Toby x Male Reader (SFW)

15 1 0

Warnings: Abuse, yelling, cursing, possessiveness 

"What the- What the f-fuck do you think you w-were doing?" Toby screams at you. He pulls you by your wrist to the car he just broke into. Your eyes go wide as you try to re-think your actions, what had you done to get him this aggravated?

He looks at you with the most enraged look he has ever given you. You are shoved into the back of the vehicle. He slams the door behind you and climbs into the driver's seat. "I can't believe you would do something like- something like that!" He starts the car and rips off the face mask he's wearing, you can see his snarl.

He shoots you a glare through the rear-view mirror, "J-just- just wait till we get somewhere- somewhere more private." You whimper in the backseat of the car. Toby is swerving around cars, disobeying most traffic safety laws. He huffs and grumbles; his shoulders are tense.

Your surroundings become that of a forest, the car bouncing with every pothole in the dirt road. Toby screeches the car to a secluded spot. He huffs as he climbs out of the car. He opens the door closest to you and pushes you onto your back. He smirks as your eyes reflect your fear. He straddles your legs and pins your arms over your head with one of his hands.

"You really thought you could- you could get away with talking to those other people? A-am I not enough for you?" He shouts, his tics making his head twitch to the side. He grabs your shirt collar and gets closer to your face, "Answer me! You fucking b-bitch!"

You shake under his hands, "I'm sorry sir!" You look him in the eye and mutter more apologies. He looks around the forest, searching for witnesses. He scowls at you.

"I don't think you've learned- learned y-your lesson yet," he gives you a snarl of a smile. He tightens his grip on your shirt and glares into your eyes as he cocks his right arm back and sits up as much as he could.

He began one of his cruel punishments. He strikes your face, again and again, turning your face into a puffy, red mess. You hold back painful gasps and close your eyes.

"L-look at me!" He screams in your face. You open your eyes as much as they will let you in their beaten state.

His hair falls to frame his face, his entire body shaking with pure anger. He continues his abusive actions. He moves his hands to your throat, choking you. You claw at his hands and try to fight him off. He shows no remorse and contracts your airways further.

By the time you wake up you are in the cell you were first kept in when Toby couldn't trust you. Toby is nowhere to be seen, you try to rub your face but only discover that your hands have been chained to the wall above you. You gasp and sit up as best as you can. The rattling of the chains alerting Toby from upstairs.

Toby storms his way downstairs and slams the door open. He roars at you, "Will you be f-fucking quiet?" You anxiously whimper at his loud voice. He walks closer to you and stands above you.

You glimpse up at him, fear taking over your body. He chuckles and his shoulders twitch. Toby kneels in front of you and stares into your eyes. You close your eyes and turn your head away. He lets out a short tsk, "What do you think you-you're doing? Come on pretty boy, I want to see your pret-pretty face." You look at his face and run your eyes on all of the scars that have made themselves at home in his skin.

He lets out a slow and breathy laugh, "There we go, that's more like it." You flinch as he caresses all of the new bruises that he created on your face. "I kind of like the way your face is so colorful, I should punish you more often." he lets out a sharp laugh and you flinch.

He stands once again and takes a step back. He grins wildly and begins to kick your abdomen. He laughs with each kick to your body. He can hear the satisfying crunch of your ribs, fracturing them.

You wheeze and gasp with each abrasion. You groan as he places his last kick, making it harder than all of the previous ones. He huffs and looks back at your face. "Don't worry, y/n, you'll be pretty-prettier this way," he laughs at your expression.

He smiles at you and walks back a few paces. He admires his handiwork. He then twitches and walks out of the room, back upstairs. He leaves you in the dim cell, you let your head flop in front of you. You can hear Toby's footsteps echoing as he goes up the staircase.

A few hours have passed, and the circulation in your arms is very faint. You hear the door begin to unlock, you start to shake with fear. Once Toby has the door open you spot a plate of food. Toby hums as he makes his way toward you. He seems to have come down from his cloud of anger, you hope that it's true. You don't think your body can handle much more of his abuse.

He places the plate on the floor and grabs your face. You look up into his eyes, not being able to read his expression. He remains neutral and removes his hand from your face. "I made you food. I don-don't think you deserve it, but I can't have you dying on me," he says matter of factly.

Your mouth begins to rapidly salivate. You pull at the chains and whine quietly at the soreness of your wrists. He chuckles and pulls the plate towards him teasingly slowly. You shift your eyes from the plate of food to him, then back to the food. You become increasingly suspicious of what it could contain. You watch as he grabs a small amount of food with his hand and brings it to your lips. You whimper and turn your head.

He pulls his hand back, "Are you not hun-not hungry?" He begins to stand and turns to walk away. Your mind races and you choose to call out to him.

"I'm hungry! Sir, please let me eat," You sit up further and pull the chains with you. You can hear Toby let out a satisfied exhale and he turns back to you.

"That's a g-good boy," he praises. He slowly crouches down in front of you. He takes a piece of the food and brings it close to your mouth. You open your mouth and he places the food onto your tongue. He pulls his hand away and watches you swallow, then repeats the process.

Once there are only crumbs on the plate he reaches into one of his pockets. You flinch when he brings his hand out, only to see him holding a juicebox. He pokes the straw into the box and takes a mouthful of its content and places the box on the ground. He pinches your cheeks to part your lips. When you open your mouth to him he places his atop yours. He presses your tongue down forcefully with his, as he spreads the juice into your mouth.

You gag lightly from the pressure and he laughs against your lips. Once he makes sure that you've swallowed he pulls away, drool glossing your lips. Toby wipes his mouth and takes the barren plate. He leaves the juicebox on the floor. You watch as he leaves you alone with your thoughts once more. You look down at the juicebox and try reaching out for it, only to find he placed it mere inches from your grasp, taunting you until next time.

Toby x Male Reader (SFW) (one-shot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin