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It's been three days...

"Sniper and Demoman are still missing, both of them left to get more supplies for their weapons a few days ago. Now they were gone, Medic offered to go search for them, and now he's missing too."

Spy sighed closing his journal and leaving the meeting room. It was dead silent, normally the room would be loud from Demoman's drunk screaming and Medic blabbering about his experiments. Of course everyone miss that chaotic loudness, Spy walked though the hallway, his leather shoe tapping against the floor.

As Spy walked, he noticed the Medbay's door open. Hopeful, Spy quickly ran towards the room hoping to see that white lab coat of Medic, hoping to hear his voice greeting him, He just hope he's there doing safe. Spy ran into the room, disappointment filled his heart as he saw his empty office desk. Soldier turned to look at him.

"Hello there Spy!" He greets, "Soldier, what are you doing here..?" Spy asked "You shouldn't be here.."

Soldier seems a bit hesitant about answering "Uhm well you see! I came to find a bucket!" He smiled widely, but his smile looked rather forced.

"I know why you're here. you miss him too don't you?" Spy sighed.

"Yeah..." Soldier's voice seems softer than usual. "He will be back! Right..?" Soldier mumbles his face shifting from smiling to frowning.

"He will, Soldier..I have something to tell you." Spy said adjusting my tie.

"I'll go search for them.."




Soldier seems lost for a moment,

"Why? What if you get lost too?! We can't lose more people!" He yells but it sounds like a mumble. "No Spy I don't want you to go missing like Demoman, or Medic, or Sniper..."

Tears starts rolling from his eyes as he continued to speak. Spy pulled him in, hugging him tightly. "I promise I will be back by tomorrow morning.."

"You will..? Do you promise me..?" Soldier wipes away his tears.

"I will...I promise.." Spy reassured him.

Soldier pulls away. "I hope it goes well, stay safe.." Soldier smiles weakly waving at Spy. Spy nodded and waved back. Walking out of the medical office.

As he walked, Spy came across Heavy, he was looking worried than usual.

"Hello.." Spy greeted walking pass him, Heavy stops walking to look at Spy.

"Where are you going..?" He asks.

"I'm heading out to find the missing members." Spy replied.

Heavy seems to be very worried,

"Spy, w-what if you..what if you go m-missing like M-Medic..?!" He stutters.

"I will be fine, I'll find them..I'll find Medic for you.. he will be fine. He's okay.." Spy said patting his shoulder. Heavy sighs, "Good luck..." he whispered as Spy walked away.

-Small time skip-

Spy exits the base, about to leave the gates, suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder, he turned around to see who it was.

"Scout.. why are you here outside.?" Spy asked.

"Why are YOU?" Scout replies with a cocky smile.

"I'm leaving to find Sniper, Demoman and Medic." Spy answered,

"You're..WHAT.?! Are you serious?! No! Do you want to go missing like them? Are you stupid?!" Scout yells.

"I-I don't want you to go, can I go with you..?" he softens his voice down.

Spy felt conflicted.  "Scout..." He mumbled, "Scout, it's dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt."


"Why do you even care about me..?"


"You know what..?! Forget it just do what you want good luck I guess." Scout grunts as he walks back into the base. Spy felt his heart ache. He haven't been talking to Scout much these days, what if Spy goes missing too? How will he tell Scout that he loves him as a father again?

Spy shook the thoughts away, he will come back, he refused to be a burden to anyone.

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