"I'll first visit your apartment and check how it is" Prachi muttered after a few minutes of silence making him nod as the two made their way down towards Ranibr's apartment

"um, when are you going to clean this place?" she asked and he looked at her, and then back at the apartment, which was having all kinds of packets of food, lying all around, it looked as if he hadn't bothered to clean the place for weeks

"you're going to help me clean it!" he said as she snorted and looked at him quirking an eyebrow

"I don't remember agreeing to this, why the hell would I clean your apartment with you? and you could just hire a maid if you can't do your work yourself" she said and he sighed

"because-" he started only to be cut off by her

"stop! I don't care, it would be better if you moved into my apartment instead" she muttered and left not listening to what he wanted to say


Prachi and Ranbir were currently sitting together planning how to act in front of their parents

"NO! mom would catch my lie within a second! We need to act as if I'm not extremely comfortable with you, and that we're not completely well along with each other but we still manage to live together" Prachi muttered making him sigh

"We need to act as if we're learning and getting to know each other better in front of my mom! and that we like each other a lot!" Ranbir said as the two looked at each other stressed

The doorbell rang making Prachi panic as she made her way, ready to greet their parents but to her surprise, she noticed Gaurav standing before her as she chuckled nervously, clearly not wanting to see him in such a situation

"Oh, Ranbir is here too" he muttered making Prachi smile as he entered and kissed her cheek as her eyes widened, it was normal for him, he was always the flirt of the group, but Prachi hadn't expected him to be the same now

"uh, actually I was busy, mum and dad are going to come, I'm so not ready for them to come, and besides, Rhea went looking for you, she had come to meet you" Prachi muttered making him pause and look at her confused

"Oh, she did? I didn't see her on my way here, well I'll go check" he spoke and Prachi nodded as he left making her release a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind him and rolled her eyes

"Who the hell is he?!" Ranbir asked and she rolled her eyes yet again, when with Ranbir, Prachi was almost always annoyed

"I already told you, my ex-best friend!" she muttered making him raise an eyebrow as he snorted

"so your ex-best friend still comes to your apartment randomly out of nowhere?! And, not to mention he just randomly also kisses your cheek like it's nothing and you don't even bother to argue" He muttered emphasising 'ex' much to Prachi's dislike as she glared at him and left for her room

"Whatever" she muttered and was about to go to her room as he held her hand pulling her back and making her jerk his hand off as she glared at him, moving closer

"what the hell is your problem?!" Prachi hissed at him as he released her hand from his tight grip, leaving light red marks on the milky skin of her wrists as she boiled with anger rushing through her veins, clenching her palm into a fist

"And when did Rhea come?" He asked making her step back as she controlled her anger

"She didn't, that was a lie" She muttered and went into her room as the bell rang again, this time Ranbir opened the door to face their parents who waved at them energetically and got in, pulling their bags with them as the two advanced to help them

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