
I wasn't able to go to class because I couldn't bare the talk and stare I stayed outside, jay staying with me I beg him to go to class but he says friends before hoes which I don't know if its the class or our teacher he was referring to

"Isn't that Talay" jay says pointing at a direction of the gate my eyes followed seeing him talking with his friends smiling And laughing "so he's in school?" Jay says what's on my mind "this bitch"

I stood up walking towards him ignoring the stares I got as I stand at his back taping him to look at me

"Can we talk?" I say avoiding eye contact from everyone looking down

"Is the fag" someone spat making me flinch a little

"We have nothing to talk about" he says as I look at him to see him blankly stare at me no emotion at all "let's go" he says walking with his friends

I stare at the place he left in shock not being able to process what just happen as I felt my heart break into pieces. I blink my eyes to hold back tears as another wave of tears comes rushing

"I swear if you didn't break up with him right this moment..." Jay says as he comes closer to me. I shake my head

"No,I spoke to him in front of people that's why"

"Who are you trying to convince me or you?'

"No one"

"Give me your phone" I gave him my phone not thinking anything

"Here" he says giving me back. I look at it to see he texted Talay saying it's over

"Why!!" I shout trying to delete it feeling annoyed

"It's already delivered"

"Jay you can't do this!"

"Talay doesn't love you" He says. He's words hitting me straight in the heart "he doesn't love you and you know it" he says hitting me on my shoulder"you have been trying to convince yourself that he does you don't want to acknowledge the fact he doesn't,if he does now was the perfect opportunity to come out as gay so to the two of you could be together openly stop trying to deny it"

"Jay you don't know Talay okay am the boyfriend"


"And I know that's he's just afraid...he love me"

"Aren't you suppose to be worried about yourself someone just outed you and you are trying to make excuses for someone that doesn't even care if you die today!"

"Stop Jay! Stop!" I yell pushing him away as tears fall from my eyes. All that he was saying was true. I loved Talay so much that I will always make excuses for him even when he shouts at me for little things or almost hit me then he comes back and take me on dates to apologize and I will forget everything he does. It just hurts to hear it

"Fourth you deserve better" he says walking away from me hitting me with his shoulders on his way

I walked back home feeling weak from all the crying I did today my head was hurting my eyes was spinning I thought I wouldn't even make it back home

*End of flashback

"I was so stupid,you can't force someone to love you right" I say sniffing as tears flow from my eyes. I was wrapped around Gem arms as he wipes my tears before kissing my forehead

Till DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora