Chapter 1: Your New Home... Gravity Falls

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You were half asleep as you were riding on a bus to a town by the name of Gravity Falls, Oregon. You have never been here, and suspiciously never seen the town on any maps or globes before. You ditched home because your parents drove you depressed, so to say. Thankfully you had enough money for a bus ticket and supplies. You were leaning on the backpack that you had bought when you were younger. "Shortly we will arrive at the town of Gravity Falls," The bus driver announced with a breathy voice. Perhaps he was tired as you were, maybe he also pulled an all-nighter. You suspected you would be there in 10 minutes or so, since that is what usually bus drivers meant by, "Shortly..." You took your favorite stuffed animal from your backpack, trying to stay awake. You did, but you were almost asleep anyway as you always are, your bedtime is the next day instead of what your parents thought. You liked to stay up late reading Wattpad, and other websites you find enjoyable.

You feel a sudden jerk forward, and you almost fell from your seat... You hear the bus driver notify everyone, "We have arrived: Gravity Falls," The bus driver's voice was so monotone, and you were so sleepy, that you thought it sounded like a robot said that sentence. Some other individuals stood up and started walking toward the front. You were right at the very back, alone, so when almost everyone had basically left, you stood up and sighed. You limbed drearily like a zombie, you also kind of looked like one because the bags under your eyes were showing more than usual.

As you were about to step down the stairs to leave the bus, the bus driver suddenly tapped on your shoulder, "Hey, I know it's not really my business to be in yours but... Are you okay? You look like a dead zombie, also where are your parents?" Still, in his monotone voice, the bus driver asked you this question. You had to make a good, truthful, excuse. You simply replied on the spot, "Oh, I'm okay. I just deal with insomnia often. And my parents know that I'm here..." Which was to an extent true. You know for your age you could have undiagnosed insomnia, and you left a letter to your parents telling them you went away. You still remembered every word you wrote on it... Because it echoed through your head ever since you composed it.

Dear family,

I know by the time you'll read this you would notice that I'm gone. I don't want you worrying about me but I'm going to live in another town from now on. Please don't call the police, searching for me will be not necessary. I will be living like this for probably... Until I don't want to. I will be alright. I know how to survive the outside world, I'm old enough. Goodbye.

Remembering the "Goodbye" made you feel like you wanted to throw up. You don't actually mean the, "Good," in Goodbye. But you certainly are happy for actually writing at least some sort of, "Bye," to your family. You know you will also miss your friends. But it's better than living in that hellhole of a family for the rest of your life, you thought to relax as you finally look up at the sky of your new home as you step out of the bus. Your new home... Gravity Falls...

You sigh and wave the weird bus driver bye and say, "Thanks for being concerned about me! But I'm okay." You meant it sincerely because no one ever questions you like that, ever.

As you run down the path, you see a small, suburban-looking town. Not too rural, doesn't look like a farm. And not a city, where the cops would immediately question you why you were out alone. The forest around you was really luscious and green, it surrounded the town all around. You walked through the town, gazing and glancing at everything around you. Everything was really fun to see, it was a new experience to feel since your home was so boring. It was fun and unique. You had a great time just looking everywhere around town, this was a good place to call home. A true home. You started daydreaming about everything you would do here, eating fun foods, going on walks...

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