"Show me." I trace a finger down her chest.

"Show you?" Y/n eyebrows raised. A small smirk on her face

"Yeah, show me." I push into her room, closing the door behind me.

Present day

"I can't work with her!" It's just bad history, the worst kind.

"Florence, come on, you're a professional!"

God, he's just right, I need to let this go it's been 5 years. She just boils my blood.

"Fine, ok, you're right. I can't let personal feelings get in the way."

I go to the bathroom splashing water over my face, eyes closed, hoping that this was all a dream and I'd wake up any second.

However, things aren't that easy. A loud banging brings my attention. I look at my watch notice I've been I nearest for nearly 15 minutes.

"I'll be out now, sorry."

Y/n's POV

Today is the day I have to see her for the 1st time in about 5 years for a chemistry reading. Oh, there was chemistry alright, Azidoazide azide.

I start my day off as usual, work out, have breakfast, and a few meetings.

I jump on my bike and head to the studio. When I pull up, I see a car pull just in front of me, my heart sinks

5 years prior...

I wake up a mess of hair in my face. What the fuck did I do? That's when I remember.

Have I just messed up my friendship. I roll on my back, my arm still trapped under her, and she moves rolling closer to me. I can't help but smile.

Her eyes twitch before they open. "Y/n hey."

"Hey." I cough not too sure what to say or do.

"So last night was something." I try to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." She not exactly talkative.

"I'm gonna jump in the shower. Feel free to order room service or anything." I jump out of bed and turn the shower on. Normally, after I've slept with someone, I want them to leave right away, but I don't feel like that with her. I smile, stepping under the warm water. After a few minutes, I hear the hotel door close.

I enjoy the rest of my shower, assuming it was breakfast, and with a towel wrapped around me, I go back into the room, but she's gone. I sit on the bed. Saddened.

I tried for weeks to get hold of her, but she never got back to me. She stopped showing up to any meals. That was the last time I spoke with her. Like a normal human after that, it was just a lot of screaming at each other. So I was right it ruined a great relationship...

Present day.

I take my helmet off, resting it on the bike and getting off.

The car door closes, I look up, and there she is. My heart stops. I swear all the moisture was absorbed from my body.

I throw my bag on my back. And walk toward the building, paying her no mind.

"Y/n." I hear my name, but keep walking. I walk straight to the toilets. I look in the mirror, checking my face.

"You got this."

"Thank you for coming down here today, we've picked out a scene for you 2. There's a lot of emotion, so we just want to see how you play off each other." I take the script quickly reading over it. Internally, I roll my eyes.

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