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"I think that's the last box." Bucky says, gently putting one of the boxes down just in case it had anything fragile in it. I had thrown my hair up in a messy bun and was trying to put boxes in the rooms that they would go into, at least relatively. It's not like we hadn't done this before, but that was in the 1940s and it was very different. I was off in my own world, not paying attention to what was going on around me, so I didn't hear Bucky call my name or come up behind me. "Doll?" I finally heard as Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah?" He looked slightly concerned as he sat down next to me on the floor. "Sorry, I just got sidetracked. I'm ok." He kissed my forehead and pulled me into his side.

"Why don't we take a break for a second. We've been unpacking all morning. Rest for a minute or two, then we can get back to it." Bucky whispered, kissing my temple. His hand was in mine and I was messing with his fingers. I was a little bit tired, but we were so close to being done and I just wanted to get it over with. But frankly, Bucky was right.

"Fine, but for a few minutes. The floor isn't that comfortable and I'd love to have the moving van back by noon. We only have the couch and the bed left Buck. And then we can rest for hours. Or days. We have nowhere to be." I smiled up at him. His hair was also in a bun, since it was getting so long that it frequently covered his eyes. But I thought it was cute. I thought everything about him was cute. I rested my head on his chest as he leaned against the wall of the bedroom, or what would be a bedroom, eventually. His arm wrapped around my waist. "God, can you believe we're actually doing this?" I asked him, excited.

"We've done this before." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe, in a way. But we're different people now." It's not the same. 1940s Bucky and Clara would be dead by now... probably. We needed our own apartment anyway. I don't think Tony and Bucky see eye to eye yet and that didn't need to continue to be an issue. Plus, I was so tired of living with the Avengers. It was time to live on my own. Not that I don't love those guys, but this was the right time.

"I couldn't agree more." Bucky commented before we fell silent. It was a nice silence. A silence that showed that we were at peace, everything was finally going right for us. I wanted to make a comment about how everything was perfect, but with our luck, I'd end up jinxing it and something would happen again. Ideas for what we could do with the space filled my head. Some of the walls were brick, and I wanted to leave those as is, but a few of the walls would look nice painted a different color. Our bedroom would need to be painted as well, though I wasn't sure what color. It needed to be something calming, a color that could help either one of us calm down when we have nightmares. I tried to remember what our old apartment looked like back in the 40s, but the apartment is such a blur in my mind. I know that it existed and I lived there for a while, but I can't remember the color of the walls or how it was decorated. Maybe if things had gone according to plan back then, it would be a more significant memory. Either way, we were here now. And everything was going great.

"Doll?" continued looking around the room for ideas but hummed in response to Bucky, so that he could continue and know that I was listening. "I know so much has changed... but the last time we were living together, I made you a very serious promise." I craned my head up to look at Bucky, confused as ever to what he was talking about. "I promised I'd marry you." I smiled at the faint memory. I was so worried that he wouldn't come back from the war. I had good reason to be concerned.

"You did. Is that something you're still thinking about? You still wanna marry me one day, Mr Barnes?" His arm squeezed me tighter before he responded.

"More than anything." I couldn't stop the smiling that was breaking out of my face as I got up from the floor, pulled Bucky up, and kissed him, long and hard. My hands were cupping his cheeks and his hand was on my back as he slowly pushed me up against the wall. He pecks my lips before kissing my neck. My breath hitched in my throat as a small sigh came out.

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