soon they had got all the bags, and cami texted someone on her phone. "alright, my car is definitely not big enough to fit everyone, so i got two ubers. still can't believe you guys want to crash at my apartment, so last chance to back out..."

jd laughed. "not a chance. we want the new yorker experience, cami!"

she shrugged, but there was a smile on her face as she said, "there's no way you haven't been to the city before."

jd shook his head. "i actually haven't either," interjected chase. rudy echoed the same thing.

"are you serious, guys? what the heck, how? it's literally the..." she trailed off as she saw rudy's smirk. "oh, fuck off," she said affectionately, realising they were joking with her. "hey, those are the ubers!"

"i call going with cami!" madison exclaimed, grabbing camille's hand.

rudy, maddie, carlacia, and drew all basically said the same thing and cami widened her eyes. "woah woah, guys. there's plenty of me to go around." she winked cheekily and caleb smacked her lightly.

once everyone was in the cars, it ended up being maddie, chase, caleb, austin, and carlacia in one car and drew, rudy, jd, madison and cami in the other.

yeah, definitely no way they would all fit in her car.

it was a short drive, only thirty minutes give or take to get into the city and the traffic wasn't bad at all. cami was slightly nervous for them to see her apartment—sure, it was big enough to fit ten people, but that was only because she had so. many. couches. when renting her apartment she definitely had not been thinking of room situations for the entire outer banks cast.

they all pulled out their luggage as cami thanked the drivers, giving them each a tip. cami brought them inside, and luckily her building was fancy enough to have an elevator because there was no way that they were all lugging their suitcases up flights and flights of stairs.

cami unlocked and swung open her door dramatically. "voila!"

much to her relief, there were no looks of dissatisfaction or mumbling; rudy ran right in, left his suitcase in the middle of the floor, and flopped on one of the sofas. cami laughed, following everyone in.

in the meantime, everyone put their suitcases out of the way near the entrance and promptly laid themselves around her living room area. maddie propped her head up with her hand. "i love your apartment so much, cami."

she smiled slightly. "thanks. it's not much, but it's home."

caleb grabbed her ankle from the floor and somehow twisted it so that she fell onto the couch. "sit down, you're making me nervous."

she tried to kick his head, but he dodged easily. drew smiled at their sibling banter.

"so do you guys want to go out? they call it the city that never sleeps for a reason, you know."

rudy yawned obnoxiously. "i say we stay in tonight, explore and party tomorrow...?"

the group nodded their agreement and cami kicked her shoes off, revealing light pinkish-white socks. "thank god. i wasn't gonna say anything but i'm so not in the mood to go out."

after some discussion, cami ended up ordering chinese takeout from a place a few blocks away. they talked and goofed around until cami's timer that she had set went off.

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