Light blinked at him, as though surprised. "Well, I admit I didn't see this coming," he began. "But like Aizawa said, it sounds like the police force does actually want to help us, albeit discreetly. They're just too afraid to do it openly. I think that that's pretty feasible."

L eyed him for a long moment. Finally, he turned back to his computer. "Perhaps," he said shortly.

Glancing up quickly at the surveillance camera in the room, he thought, I hope you are watching this, J.

It was time to consider taking more drastic measures.

Jubilee was on her couch, eating lunch and watching public surveillance channels, when her laptop suddenly flickered and the screen changed.

"What the—?" she murmured around a mouthful of noodles. Behind her, Hellenos leaned across the back of the couch with interest.

She eyed him sidelong as surveillance from downstairs filled her screen. "You don't know what's happening?"

I'm not God, stated Hellenos. Angels aren't omniscient. Then he chuckled to himself. Did I ever tell you about how none of us saw the whole thing with the cross coming, and then when He rose again after three days we all thought it was the biggest plot twist in history?

"What?" Distracted, she turned to him, furrowing her brow. "Did you just call the resurrection a plot twist?"

Never mind, said Hellenos, waving a hand. The point is that, like I said, humans can still surprise us whenever they make choices based on their free will.

"Huh," said Jubilee, returning her attention to the laptop. Onscreen, Light was speaking.

"Well, I admit I didn't see this coming," the boy was saying.

Over his head, a line snapped.

Didn't see what coming? wondered Jubilee as she watched. Light finished giving a spiel about how he believed the police force wanted to help them now. The line over his head kept breaking the entire time.

What is going on? she thought, confused.

Then she saw what was in everybody's hands.

"Why do they have guns?" she asked aloud. The Task Force members all had to surrender their firearms months ago, after the police passively sided with Kira. How was it that that had now changed?

Beside her Hellenos was silent, as though he knew what she was about to say next before she did.

Realization hit her like a ton of bricks then. She sank back on the couch, her eyes wide as she stared at the broken line over Light's head.

"He planned this," she whispered.

That evening when Jubilee came downstairs, L didn't have to say anything for her to know that he already knew. They exchanged meaningful looks with each other as she entered. On the large monitor ahead, the three successors' initials were lined up side by side, indicating that a call was already in session.

"J has arrived," announced L into his headset, handing another one to Jubilee as he came to his side. She put it on in time to hear the boys responding.

"Yo, Jules!" greeted Matt.

"Hey," said Mello at the same time.

Near said nothing, but Jubilee sensed a distinct sense of welcome from him. Interesting that she could feel it without even seeing or hearing him now. Were her senses getting even sharper? Hellenos gave no response to her musing from where he was positioned in the corner of the room.

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