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Today was no different . As I walked into a class filled with unruly ,obnoxious , loud , and immature kids ; all set of eyes watched my progress from the door and until I took my seat . And then the snickering begins. I wonder what's so funny. Ohhh I know. Thats so easy to figure that out. It's because of Me . I'm the funny one. I'm the one that has a note attached to my forehead that says laugh at me. They use to just stare at me but now they laugh and call me all sorts of names. I just don't say anything back . I don't cry ; well not in front of them of course. I don't show them that I care really. That's what they want though. I just say silent prayers inside my head because I know in due time that the good lord will deliver me and save me from all the wrong doings that have been done . I just hope the lord will forgive these kids for all the bad they have done.

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