a/n sorry

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If your worried about the title don't be I AM NOT GIVING THIS STORY UP, I had sudden motivation, but before I do this I'll ask you all how would you feel about me putting one of my ocs in the story 4 chapter 8, my oc will have a x character too and this oc will be related to "y/n" in the other story I will be giving "y/n" a name and a look, how will you guys feel about it? Also....

If your worried about the title don't be I AM NOT GIVING THIS STORY UP, I had sudden motivation, but before I do this I'll ask you all how would you feel about me putting one of my ocs in the story 4 chapter 8, my oc will have a x character too an...

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I have been making more stories 😅😅 so if I'm not updating this I may be updating others

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