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CW: Implied eating and body issues

I feel like something has shifted with Jasmine.

She's always treated me nicely, but it seems to be a little different now ever since that day I stayed with her when she was sick. She sends me pictures of her cats when she worries I might be upset, brings me snacks she gets from the diner before she goes home every night, and let's me take my time when it comes to responding to things. She understands, and it's nice.

But what isn't nice is the fact that this feeling I wish would go away is getting stronger and stronger everyday. It's the same feeling I felt for Bosco, and she should be the only person I've felt it for. But Jasmine is making this so incredibly hard. I don't know what to do.

Daya stared down at her journal, sighing and laying her head down on her kitchen table. She was exhausted, she was conflicted, and she wished she wasn't alone right now. But she had already been to the diner once that day. She didn't want to go back and seem clingy in front of so many people.

Being alone just made her realize how absolutely exhausted she was. She hadn't really slept since that night with Jasmine, and even then her dreams were restless and scary and gave her no escape from the reality she was living. Until she had been pulled into a pair of arms that is.

It didn't help that she refused to sleep in her bedroom. The bed was the one she had shared with Bosco. If she were to lay in it, she'd be alone and without her by her side. She couldn't sleep there knowing that. Not when she was gone.

Daya took a shaky breath, pulling herself up from the table. She had to pause for a second to regain her balance and catch her breath. She had no energy and her limbs could hardly move from the lack of strength she had. She used what little of it she had to force herself to the living room so she could sit and check her blood sugar.

On the couch sat the two stuffed animals. Bosco's and the one that Jasmine had gifted her. Daya stared down at them, tears starting to burn in her eyes. Sometimes she didn't even know what triggered her crying anymore. It just happened and she had to suffer through it. Checking her blood sugar was forgotten as she sunk down onto the couch and pulled the stuffed animals against her chest. She pressed the hoof of the Build a Bear, wanting to hear Bosco's voice tell her she loves her.

Her tears started to spill down her face once the recording ended. "I love you too..." She whispered quietly, pressing it again.

This process continued for a bit until there was gentle knocking on the door. The only reason Daya managed to get up was because she knew who it was. It could only be one person.

She opened the door to find Jasmine, to-go bags from the diner in her hands. "Hi." She smiled sweetly, a huge contrast to Daya's seemingly permanent frown. "I brought you food. Orion stress cooked on accident."

Daya whispered a thank you, shaking slightly as she let her inside. Jasmine noticed the shaking immediately, sitting the bags on the table before turning her attention to the taller girl. "Sit down, let me check your blood sugar."

Daya was silent but sighed, sitting down on the couch again and holding a hand out. She watched through half closed eyes as Jasmine pricked her finger. She tried not to nod off, but it was growing increasingly difficult. Sleep sounded like the best but also the worst thing right now.

"It's a little low. Let me feed you." Jasmine took charge, and Daya noticed her trying to discreetly clean up around her as she moved through the house. She sighed. That made her feel bad. Jasmine shouldn't have to be the one doing that.

But seeing how much she cared really meant a lot.

Jasmine hummed as she set one of the bags down on the couch and took a seat beside Daya. Before she could open one of the boxes and even attempt to raise a fork up to the taller girl's lips, Daya was slowly lowering her head into her lap.

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