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Techno wasn't quiet sure how to make a cake. For all of Tommy's other birthday's he had gone to a village to buy one of the baked goods. But Tommy was turning thirteen this year, officially a teenager. The boy was so excited that he would stop being called a child. Insisting that he was almost an adult already. Techno found it amusing. The god had eons more years than his runt.

Techno stared at the cake, if you could call it that, sitting on the counter. Tommy was out playing with the wolves in the forest, so he didn't have to worry about the boy interrupting the surprise. And oh boy, it would be a surprise. Would now be a good time to mention Techno had never made a cake?

The baked... Thing... Was lopsided. The frosting was melting off and the berries kept sliding around. Still, despite it's presentation, Techno thought it tasted pretty alright. It was sweet and fluffy, in most parts. And eventually, Techno deemed it ready.

Techno stepped out of the cabin, looking around the the snowy landscape. He saw Tommy chasing Apollo around in the snow. Tommy's wolf, Henry, nipped at his heels. Techno smiled softly, calling the boy over.

Tommy tripped and fell face first into the snow. Apollo and Henry froze, staring at the boy with what could almost be concern. But then Tommy got up and the wolves started jumping again. The boy ran over, almost tripping on the wolves.

"Hey Techno!" Tommy laughed.

Techno smiled softly, "come on inside before you get cold."

Tommy grinned, ducking under Techno's arm to dart inside. Techno rolled his eyes. He sent the wolves back to the pen before following Tommy into the cabin.

"Techno?" Tommy called from the kitchen. The god walked back. Tommy was looking at the cake curiously. He slowly looked up at Techno, pointing to the baked thing, "what is this?"

Techno shrugged lightly, "it's uh, it's a cake..?"

"A cake?" Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"Look man, I don't bake." Techno sighed, "it tastes better than it looks."

Tommy stifled a laugh, "I know, but why?"

Techno walked over and pulled Tommy close, "well it's your birthday."

Tommy's expression fell into shock. He stared up at Techno with wide eyes, his mouth agape. The boy took a step back, keeping his eyes on Techno. Techno frowned.

"Are you okay?" Techno asked.

Tommy nodded, quickly wiping his eyes, "yeah I'm fine."

Techno sighed softly, "come here runt."

Tommy fell into Techno's chest. The god wrapped his arms around the boy, holding him tightly. Tommys shoulders shook lightly as he cried. Techno hushed him quietly, running his fingers through his golden hair.

"You're alright runt." Techno hummed.

Tommy squeezed Techno, "I love you."

Techno froze for a moment. Had Tommy ever told him that before? Even as a kid? Techno held him tighter. Tommy was his child, his runt.

"Alright, let's eat this eyesore of a cake." Techno said, letting Tommy pull away from the hug.

"Yeah." Tommy huffed out a laugh, drying his eyes.

Techno went to grab a knife, slicing into the cake. It was... Interesting inside. Half of it looked like a brick, while the other half looked somewhat cake-like. The frosting had melted into the bread, making a sticky, soggy mess.

"Maybe I should get a new cake from a village..." Techno grimaced as he handed the slice of cake to Tommy.

The boy shook his head, "no, I'll try it first. It cat be that bad. Right?"

Techno shrugged. Tommy looked back at the cake, picking up a fork. Slowly, he took a bite. Tommy's nose wrinkled the moment it his his tongue.

"It's awful, isn't it." Techno said.

"N-no!" Tommy managed to swallow the bite, "no! Its-its fine!"

Techno closed his eyes, shaking his head, "no, I'm getting you a proper cake."

"No Techno, it's fine!" Tommy grabbed on to Techno's arm.

The old scars on Tommy's wrists felt rough against Techno's arm. A harsh reminder that Tommy was mortal, that his time was limited. But it also reminded Techno of the promise he made to protect the boy and never let him feel that way again. Techno smiled softly.

"Tommy, the cake is inedible." Techno told him, "come on, I'll let you pick out the cake."

"Techno I promise it's fine!" Tommy huffed.

But Techno didn't listen. He grabbed their cloaks, throwing Tommy's over the boys shoulders before fastening his own. Tommy frowned, but adjusted his cloak anyway.

"Come on Tommy." Techno beckoned him over with his arm, "let's walk, I think its almost summertime in the mortal realm."

Tommy brightened up, running over to the god, "okay!"

Techno laughed lightly as the boy barreled into his side. He pulled Tommy out the door, walking out to the forest. The wolves perked their ears up as they walked by, following the two for a moment before going back to their play.

It was bright and warm today, not a single cloud in the sky. The snow drifts were low today, making it easy to walk through the forest. Tommy ran ahead through the trees. Techno watched him with a small smile as the boy disappeared and reappeared between the trees.
Tommy disappeared for a moment, his laughter ringing through the forest. Techno just continued walking. The spark of the gateway shimmered in the distance. Still, Tommy didn't return to his side.

Techno paused, "Tommy?"

The laughter stopped. Techno scanned the trees. There shouldn't be anything here that would hurt the boy, save for scrapes and bruises from falling out of a tree. Unless another god attempted to enter. Techno frowned. There were gods who would want him dead, though none of them had made an attempt to kill him in almost a hundred years thanks to a shakey peace treaty made by the Goddess of Death and the Goddess of Life.

"Tommy!?" Techno called again, unable to shake the unease that rested in his stomach.

Something cold exploded against his head, showering him with snow. Tommy peered out from behind a tree, giggling. Techno smirked at him. He reached down, picking up a handful of snow. Then with practiced aim, he launched it at the laughing boy. It hit him square in the chest.

"Hey!" Tommy squealed, falling backwards into the snow.

Techno stood up laughing, "come here runt!"

Tommy scrambled up, running to the god. Techno caught him with a huff. He squeezed the boy, then let Tommy take a step back. Together, they stepped through the gateway to get Tommy a proper cake.

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