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We are currently boarding a flight back home from one of the holiday vs holiday videos the Sidemen filmed for a couple weeks from now.

As we're getting on the plane, there's somehow still fans recognizing them and greeting them. The lads politely engage in conversations and take photos before we all have to toss our bags into the overhead and sit down in our respective seats. It's crazy to me that they have gotten this big of a following now. Don't get me wrong, when I was first hired on as their social media manager, they had a good couple million followers. But nowhere near what they are today. Their accounts have grown insanely fast and everywhere they go, they're recognized by at least one person.

The boys and I slump back into our uncomfortable airplane seats but shortly after, Harry and Ethan are ordering drinks behind me. I let out a short laugh and Vikk looked at me "it's only 11am, is a drink really necessary" I stated with a smile. The 2 behind me pipe up with their defenses but I assure them I was joking around. Kind of. While Vikk laughs along.

Before I know it, we're landing. The nap I took during the whole flight must've been my first indication of the time flying by, no pun intended.

We wait our turn to disperse from the plane and grab our bags before going to the baggage claim for the rest of what we brought along.

Due to some unknown miracle, both teams were supposed to fly in around the same time so we are meeting the rest of the group before leaving the airport.

The boys are already at our meeting point but the rest of the crew and I are waiting for the equipment that had to come separately. While standing there waiting for my laptops and hard drives, I hear familiar voices behind me. Turning around I see Kon, Kristy, and the other team, walking towards us. I smile at them and turn back to watch the machine just in time to find my backpack coming by.

"I can carry that, Bell." Tobi offers me. When they hired me on, Tobi and I instantly clicked. The conversation never seemed awkward or forced and since then, he's truly been my best friend. He's the only one that calls me Bell, or Bella, a name only my parents ever used before him. When I moved to London, I decided to go by Izzy from now on because I came here for a new start. My parents passed away in a car accident shortly after my graduation. It was the worst thing I had ever been through. They were my closest friends, my biggest supporters, and my favorite shoulder to cry on. I was lost when they left and I didn't know where to turn. Everything I was surrounded by reminded me of them and there wasn't a minute of the day I wasn't crying. Through the tears, I decided to pack up what was left of my life and move halfway across the world to London, England. I thank myself every day for the toughest decision I had to make because of the new happiness I was able to obtain here.

"Thanks Tobs, how was your trip?" I asked as we all began walking to where the rest of the boys were waiting.

"It was amazing but I'll fill you in later. You coming over to mine?" He replied. I nod while yawning. We approach the other boys and we all leave, dispersing to our differing cars.

Tobi pulled into the parking lot, and I could not feel more exhausted. It must be clear because he turns to me and offers to hang out tomorrow, after the meeting he has to attend, for us to talk about our trips.

"Um, absolutely not. Are you mad? I don't care how tired I am, you are telling me about your amazing trip until it's humanly impossible to keep my eyes open." I exaggerated. He giggles but doesn't say anything else as he gets out of the car and goes to grab our bags. "And excuse me, I am a big girl. I can carry my bags now."

"Oi, Chicago gave you some sass." Tobi laughed. I let out a small laugh as we began to ascend the stairs towards the elevator. As we settled in, I let out a dramatic sigh and set my bag on the lift's floor, Tobi following suit. He presses the 4th and 5th floor buttons. He stands back and leans against the back of the elevator walls next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder thanks to the few inches shorter I am than him.

I get out a few moments later when we reach the 4th floor. I rush out down to my apartment, quickly unlocking the door, and setting my bags on the counter before closing the door and relocking it. I quickly make my way back to the elevator and step in, signaling to Tobi he can stop holding the doors open. This is our routine any time we get back from these types of trips. We get in the lift, go to my floor, I quickly drop my things off, hop back in the elevator, and head to the 5th floor to Tobi's place. It might seem ridiculous to some people that we go through this much trouble when we're drained from our jobs but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We reach his floor and exit the elevator walking down the hallway reaching his flat. We walk in and I sprawl myself onto the couch in the living room.

"I'm going to the bathroom, a hoodie and joggers are on the bed for you." Tobi stated before walking away. I begrudgingly stand up and walk to his room, closing the door behind me. I quickly change into the matching sweat set and then go back to the living room where Tobi is not residing on the couch. I go join him and immediately start describing my shit of a trip before I can live vicariously through his trip.

I can't believe I was so lucky to end up with the life I did, even after tragedy. Meeting Tobi and becoming friends helped me start to view things in a more positive manner which in turn, helped me out of the deep depression I was thrown into. I wish my parents were around to see me, help me. More than anything. I also wonder if I ever would've spread my wings like I did if they were still around. It's something I'll never know so I try not to dwell on the thoughts. I know my parents are always with me, I still talk to them as well. Some people think I'm crazy to do that, but not Tobi. Tobi has never judged me with how I choose to grieve and that's just another reason I can't believe I get to call him my best friend.

He finishes up the details of his trip and we decide to order some delivery since we are both about 15 minutes away from passing out. We turn on a comedy show on Netflix to try and keep our eyes open until we can eat but it's getting increasingly difficult for me. I look over to Tobi to see if he's also having the same issue. His eyes are glued to the screen, as if he is watching the most interesting thing he has ever seen, and the jokes aren't even funny at the moment. This gives me the indication that he either learned how to sleep with his eyes open, or he's deep in thought. He turns to look at me, answering the question of if he learned a new skill.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I say with a small smile. He gives a small smile back when the building answering machine buzzes. He leaves the apartment to grab our food downstairs so I pause our show. I stand up and walk over to the kitchen island, taking a seat on the bartop side. He walks back in and I do a little happy dance when I see the food. I reach for the bag and immediately begin to open it, finding what I ordered.

"And here I thought you were excited to see me." Tobi stated, smiling. I playfully roll my eyes, reciprocating a smile.

I can't believe I have the best friend the universe could've given me.

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