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Zack and Zane sat in the middle of the bed with the covers over their heads. A small flashlight pointed to the wall of the covers, as Zach struggled to read the book in his hands, Zane acted out the parts with his hands, creating shadow puppets of ducks cats and dogs.

"The dog walked over ca- cauti, um, cawsha?" Zach held the book closer to his face trying to read the word infront of him.

"Cautiously," Zane said laughing at him, "go on, keep reading." Silence. Zach pressed his ear up to the covers. He gasped before putting his hands over Zane mouth.

"Dads coming." He whispered. They quickly turned off the flash lights and hid the book under the pillow, quickly laying down. The door opened, and they heard the footsteps grow closer.  Damon stood next to Zane's bed, staring down at him. Zane held his breath and prayed that he would leave. At first, he did, before he headed to Zachs bed. Zach clenched the bed sheets tightly to his chest. Damon leaned down, inches from Zachs face.

"Get up." He said. Zach slowly raised from the bed, still clenching the covers in his hands.

"Why are you still up? Didn't I tell you to go to sleep an hour ago?"  Zach sat there shaking, fighting back tears. He opened his mouth but no words came out.

"He wanted me to tell him a bed time story." Zane said.

"It took you an hour to read one stupid book? How retarted are you?"

"I'm not retarted."

"Don't talk back to me!" Damon walked angrily over to Zane, "I want both of your asses in your bed right now, and I don't want to hear a sound out of either of you two, do you understand?" He yelled.

"Ok dad."

"Yes sir."

Damon scoffed at them before leaving, slamming the door on his way out. After he left, Zach burst into tears. Zane quickly rushed over to him and held him while he cried, trying his best to comfort him. The rest of the night was long, with Zane trying his best to get Zach from crying, and to go to bed to get some sleep. After awhile, he finally did.

The next morning, Zach jumped into Zane's bed repeatedly, shouting his name.

"Zane wake up! Wake up Zane wake up!" He yelled. Zane jolted awake rolling his eyes.

"Calm down Zach, it's too early."

"But todays Saturday! And on Saturday we can do anything we want! We can make a cake, or ride our bikes, or watch a movie, or climb a tree or make a cake!"

"Well, I guess we can make a cake since you mentioned it twice." He said sitting up yawning.  Zach jumped with excitement, grabbing his brothers arm, trying to pull him out of bed. Zane held Zachs hand as he led him down the hall to the kitchen. Zach could barely contain his excitement as he skipped along next to him. Once in the kitchen, Zane picked Zach up and placed him in a chair next to the counter.

"What kind of cake are we making today?" Zane asked opening the pantry. Zach tapped his hands on the counter.

"Chocolate!" He shouted. Zane grabbed the cake mixed, reading the instructions.

"Grab me two eggs and some butter please." He asked. Zach jumped down from the chair and quickly opened the refrigerator. Grabbing the items and handing them to Zane.

"Can I crack the eggs today please?" Zane looked down at him and smiled.

"Sure, why not." He handed Zach and egg and picked him up, placing him on the counter. Before he could crack the egg open into the bowl, the front door slammed opened. Zach jumped and dropped the egg on the floor.

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