Out of Eden

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My name is Aki. I usually chill around sunbathing, picking flowers, laughing with my friends, and raining justice upon the sinners. Usual stuff. However, I got sent on a duty to help somebody.
Us angels used to get sent on duties to help people improve their lives. But everybody loved half-assing the job. And ever since humans discovered "science" it was just a reason for us to stop doing anything at all.
However, the seraphims weren't happy with that, so they sometimes send us in quests to deliver judgement or help people.
Now, don't misunderstand us, we don't hate humans (mostly) and are happy to help out (sometimes), but heaven is just way nicer than the littered streets and dead nature of the human world.
Continuing with my story, I got sent down to help this boy named Alan or something. I didn't wanna go but I couldn't just not answer the words of god, so I did it without complaining.

Oh boy, do I hate big cities. I got a black sweater, jeans, and combat boots before appearing in a random parking spot in the back of an apartment building. Before I went in I retracted my wings (oh yeah, angel wings are retractable) and hid my halo.
I expected the building to be the home of the person I was helping, but instead I found him near a beat up car. He was talking to someone.
They handed each other some packets and then the other person hopped on another car and drove away. Yep, this dude was definitely a drug dealer.
"Uh, hello?" I said as I approached him
"Who are you a cop?" He giggled as he looked me up and down. I gotta admit, I'm not the most buff guy around.
"Uh, no. What were you two doing?"
"Hm, nothing. Nothing important. But if you dare tell anyone I'll find you and slit your throat." He looked at me hatefully. He had spiky black hair, pale skin and deep blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue jacket with black pants and some sandals.
"No need to get aggressive. Plus, I have no interest in turning you in." I said, turning away the threat.
"Good. Now get out or I'll blow your head with a gun". He turned away to enter the car, but I grabbed his wrist and looked at him in the eyes "Oh don't think our chat is over". He pulled away then grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me to the door of the car "Look here idiot, I just made a big sale so I'm in a good mood. Now get out or they'll find you dead in a dumpster missing your organs." He pushed me to the asphalt and I fell butt-first. I definitely hated my job. I dusted myself off and walked to the apartment complex as he started his car and drove off. Just great.
I decided I would find somewhere to sleep for the night, wake up to spy on him, and then make a plan to get to know him. I hate complicated plans. Or, more easily, I could curse him to get into a car crash and get out of the job. Way easier. But I decided I would rest before continuing my journey. For now, I'll think up a plan to make this as easy and quick as possible.

Hello! Author here, this is my first story here on Wattpad so please don't judge me if it's short or badly written. Not only that but English isn't my first language. Hope you'll enjoy this enemies to lovers type shit lol

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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Fell from heaven (BxB)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang