I was in love with him. I couldn't deny it.

What i felt for him was not just a simple crush. It was way more than that. I wanted to spent the rest of my life with him.

It didn't matter that i've never dated anyone before him. That he was the first guy i've shared conversations and spend time with. I wouldn't want that with anyone else.

I wish my mom was here. I wish i could tell her how much in love i am with Azail.

To tell her everything about the date. To show her my outfit and how excited i am.

Maybe in the future she'll want to meet me again. I'm older now, i won't be a burden to her. She doesn't have to take care of me. So maybe she'll give me a chance to be in her life.

Would she be proud of how far i've gotten in my life? I was finishing college, i met an amazing person like Azail, i was going to work in dad's company soon and achieve all of the dreams i had.

Even though, her leaving hurt me and left me unwanted i would forgive her. If i ever meet her again, I'll forgive her.

"Are you okay, Mila." Azail's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Umm, yes i was just thinking about something." I looked down at my hands. "Do you think my mom would be proud of me if she was here." I asked with hope.

Azail had a soft look in his eyes. "Of course she would be proud, baby."

I could just hope that she would be.

"What are we going to make first?" Azail quickly changed the subject. And i was glad he did.

"We should make the blueberry cupcakes." He nodded and went to the fridge.

"There's no blueberries here though." What? I thought Maggie bought them yesterday.

"How are we gonna make them now?" I pouted.

"We can make different ones." Azail suggested.

"But i specifically wanted to make blueberry ones. They are your favourite and also the first thing i made for you were those." My plan was going to get ruined.

"Hey, don't worry it doesn't matter." But i did to me. I wanted this date to be perfect.

"Can't we buy them now?" There has to be a store close by.

"Is there a store somewhere close where you can buy them, please." I pleaded.

"Let me see on the phone." He searched on his phone and after a minute, he found a store that was 15 minutes away from here.

"Okay, i'll go. But i'll be back as soon as possible." He kissed my forehead.

It was going to give me a perfect opportunity to decorate the table outside. It would be a little surprise for him.

He took his car keys. "Wait for me. Adriano and Matthew are outside at the gates. So you're not alone don't worry. Okay?" They were our bodyguards. There was someone guarding the house every day.

"Okay, take care. And come back to me." I took his hand and kissed it. There was a weird feeling in me, telling me to confess my love for him.

To tell him i love him. But i was going to do it latter. In a more romantic setting.

"I'll always come back to you." With that he gave me a kiss and left.

I closed the door behind him and went to work.

Taking some candles i placed them on the table. After that i took the flowers that i picked up in the garden and put them in a vase.

I decorated the table and went to my room to curl my hair. Just as i sat on the chair i heard the door bell ring.

Did Azail come back? Maybe he forgot something.

I walked downstairs, went to the door and opened it.

New update!!!

I have a pretty painful headache, so i don't know how good this chapter is. I couldn't fully concentrate. 🤕

Fun little fact:

Mila means Dear in my native language. That's why i chose that name for her. I think it fits perfectly with her character. 😌

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