Chapter 10: Áurea Operation

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"No problem, but what do you think about this war?"

"I think it's fair, we can't let a bunch of terrorists pike Bin Laden in our backyard."

Captain Emilio, was second in command and the oldest man of all present overheard the conversation and decided to butt in.

"Do you really think that? We even have something to do with it."

"What is your opinion of this war, Captain?" Major Robson, the highest ranking person present, asked.

At that moment all attention was on him.

"Sir, if I may say, in my opinion we should not be entering this conflict, the reason behind this 'peace mission' is just for resources."

"What are you getting at?"

"Think about it sir, we only got into this conflict because of the resources in their land, after this is over the government will squeeze every last drop of oil out of these countries, not to mention they will use it as a propaganda tool, that's the real reason they make us wear these Go Pro cameras on our helmets."

The soldiers were ordered to carry a camera in their helmets to supposedly prevent the media from having any loophole to criticize the military's actions, but behind that the government would use the recording to self-promote.

"Pardon my intrusion sir, even if it is like this, I still think we have to act to save the innocent." One of the soldiers listening to the conversation expressed himself, he was the youngest of the squadron.

"We know almost nothing about them, and besides, in all the 7 million years of humanity's existence there have always been massacres of peoples for various issues, we have no right to say who is right and wrong, even more so since we have come less than 1 year."

"So you don't mind innocent people dying and being enslaved?" The major launched his words toward the captain, it made it seem as if he wished to turn his face away from the atrocities committed.

"I do care sir! What I was saying and that we are not heroes of justice, while we fight for our homeland and defend the lives of our own, we stain our hands with blood and murder. I bet most of you here have never thought about those on the other side of the crosshairs of a rifle.

That time many were left wondering about whether what they were doing was right.
In the modern day soldiers forget the horrors of war, with the false sense that it will never happen, or they believe that they are the 'bastion of freedom' and must take their ideology to the rest of the world, the Americans in Afghanistan felt in their own skin how wrong they were.

The world they ended up in would show a new reality that was much more cruel and merciless.


Forty minutes later, skies above Kaitan City, 11:57pm

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