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As I entered the room, I told the maids to bring in tea and a snack for me. I walked over to the big window and opened them. I sat down on a small couch by the window and looked outside. The view was wonderful...as I continue to look out the window, I slowly begin to think about my situation again.

The Barrett family was never mentioned in the newspapers, so where am I? Agriche's never popped up either but on information that I have gained so far, they are psychos. Did they want an alliance? For potions? I guess that the Barrett family was some kind of experimental alchemist but we are also assassins...who told us to assassinate them? Do we have all this money because we do business with potions? Killings? I also heard Mother say perfumes too. So potions and perfumes are what this family business is all about.

But there is another problem...the standards in this world are not like the modern...what was the reason why I was brought here? .....I let out a long sigh...if I want to survive, I have to keep my head high, I must not let others' words hurt me, and I must show them a fake side of myself.

I will hold my head high until the very end.

Throughout the whole day, I sat by the window either looking outside to see when my brother would return or reading random books on the shelf that Vivian had in this room. It was late evening by the time my brother arrived. He got out of the carriage with a relieved face, I'm guessing that the proposal thingy went well with the Agriches.

I wonder which one I will marry.

I looked out the window to admire the moon, and that was when I swore I saw something move through the trees...maybe I am too tired? I'm just gonna go to sleep. I closed the windows and locked them...then made my way to my bed.




I woke up to the sound of something. I thought that it was the maids coming in to light up candles near the bed so I just continued closing my eyes.

That is until a couple of minutes later, I never heard the door close so I opened my eyes to look just to see that the door was never opened and that the candles were still okay and not dead...This brought chills to my body. I can feel a presence in the room...from what I learned, the Barret family was known as alchemists in the outside world, and us being assassins was a top secret that only a few people know about it.

Since I was in a thin spaghetti strap nightgown, I quickly noticed the breeze that had entered the room. But I remembered locking the windows so there is no way it is possible to open the window.

I turned to the other side with my eyes closed, and then slowly opened them again to look towards the window...there stood a tall well built black shadow-looking hooded person...I reached for the dagger under my pillow.

At this point I was scared, I'm used to killing before I came here...so why am I scared?

I continue to look at this hooded figure through the sheer white bedroom curtains. It was inside my room, the window was wide open.

It walked closer and closer, I can see it slowly reaching over to the curtains and slowly opening them. As the figure comes into a clearer view, my eyes widen in fear.

I widened my eyes in fear of being noticed by the hooded person, we made eye contact...their eye was red, bright red...black hair. Red eyes and black hair! Oh my god, I am dead! I can't expose myself but I need to kill this person!

Right as I made eye contact with him, I let out a scream as I quickly sat up and crawled out of the bed, grabbing my dagger with me.  I quickly crawled my way toward the edge, and right when I almost made it, a hand quickly made its way to cover my mouth. But as he covered my mouth, his weight eventually pushed us off the bed, making me fall down the high bed and onto the floor.

I quickly shut my eyes in fear, as I hit the floor, my whole back was in pain, but my head landed on something soft, a hand? I opened my eyes just to see that I am looking right at the red eyes. One hand covering my mouth and one where my head rested on...I let out a whimper of pain because my back was hurting, falling off this high bed with an extra weight hurts, especially on rock marble floors!

With difficulty breathing because of how much pain I was in, he quickly removed his hand that was covering my mouth, and instead of hovering over me, he moved over to the side. As the pain slowly went away, I turned my head to look at the intruder, he was just laying beside me on the ground breathing heavily.

I would have just laid there with him but this is a reality so I took this chance to sit up and quickly try to stab him. I was quickly stopped by his hands holding my arm with the dagger. I try to escape his clutch but it was just too strong.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He said in a low domineering voice...Okay, that sounded hot not going to lie.

"I- Who are you!?" I asked him.

"Time is running out..." He told me while letting go of my arm and walking back to the window.

"Oh, I kind of broke the lock..." He said and left.

"Wha- What the heck!" I said out of the window, knowing he might not hear it.

I jumped out of the window after grabbing my bow, and followed him, Jumping from tree to tree and then rolling on the ground. I chase after him in my nightgown, barefoot.

He knows I'm chasing him, which led him to try and escape over the walls(they were tall! Like maybe 20 ft.), I quickly took my bow and aimed at him...releasing the arrow.

It hits the man's shoulder, I can see him biting his lips, trying not to make a sound.

"I recommend for you to stop unless you want to sound the alarm" I yell out to him, he looked at me...a smile creeping its way to his face.

"You look lovely..." He says before jumping over the high wall.


I look in disbelief as the alarm goes off...I make my way back to my window and went into my room.

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