"Nonsense, the Potters are her parents, and as soon as we get her resorted into Gryffindor her head of house will be Professor McGonagall." Ember couldn't believe the nerve of this man, did he really believe this would work?

God, he must be going senile if he thought she would go along with this. Just then Jasper coughed before Professor Flitwick managed to say anything else in his shocked state.

"Excuse me but I believe you are mistaken." She smirked slightly as she saw everyone but those she entered with jumped when realizing there was someone else in the room with them.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" James pulled out his wand, pointing it at Jasper which made Ember furious.

"I'm Ember's magical and muggle guardian. You all seem to be under the impression that she lived on her own these last few years. She's been staying with me and my sister."

"You kidnapped our daughter?! Headmaster call the Aurors!" James snapped, if Ember didn't know that he hated her she would be under the impression that he actually cared. She knew he didn't care though, he probably just cared about getting his hands on the Ravenclaw vaults full of money. She had heard that the Potters were having financial problems ever since 'Lady Peverell' stopped paying for their lavish lifestyle.

"Actually she didn't kidnap me, Mister Potter, I chose her to be my guardian. This was after I took up my ladyship for the Ravenclaw house. The Goblins have proof that I was and am not under any controlling potions or spells." She made sure that her voice was polite if not distant when speaking to her birth father.

"What do you mean you took up your ladyship? That should have gone to Damien!" James once again proved he didn't think of anything but money, if he hadn't focussed on that he would have realized that his daughter didn't call him dad but instead called him 'Mister Potter.

"Ember why did you call your dad by his last name?" The Headmaster interjected, surprised. He could already see several plans being thrown out the window.

"Because I do not consider him to be my father so therefore he is just Mister Potter to me. And if you were to pay attention sir, you would realize that the head of Ravenclaw passes on from Mother to Daughter, Mrs. Potter never claimed it so I did. Also Headmaster please refrain from calling me Ember, I believe that is too familiar for us considering we are not friends or even friendly with one another."

She watched as the headmaster gave her a frown and a disappointed look before sighing like this was something impossible to be asking of him. "Very well Miss Potter-" "Ravenclaw, sir, my last name is Ravenclaw, I disowned the Potter name years ago."

She had to hold back the smirk that wanted to show up at the shock on James, McGonagall's, and Dumbledore's faces. "Why on earth would you do that you stupid girl!" James roared at her, starting to storm up to her. He didn't get a chance to get any closer than a few feet as Jasper placed herself in front of her and glared down at him.

"Do not test me, Potter, try to lay a hand on her in anger again and I swear you will be done for you hear me?" James gulped and backed up, he didn't know who the fuck this woman was but she was very intimidating.

"Can we all calm down, please? Now tensions seem to be riding high. Miss Po-Ravenclaw." Dumbledore quickly corrected himself when seeing both Ember and Jasper frown at him. "Are you sure you trust this woman to be your guardian? She could just be using you after all." Hopefully, this would make her doubt this woman a bit. If he could make her doubt her guardian it would make it only too easy to have her go back to the Potters.

"I'm sure sir, we have a magical contract that states that neither Jasper nor her sister Pearl will take advantage of me or my money as long as they are my guardians. You can find this on file with the Goblins if you wish."

Dumbledore had to hold back a scowl when hearing that, this was not good. He would have to try and arrange an accident for these two women if he wanted to get his hands on the vast knowledge and wealth of the Ravenclaw family.

"Not to mention I do not truly need a magical guardian anyways. Since I am Lady Ravenclaw I am considered an adult in the eyes of law and magic. These are laws that have been on the books since the founding of the magical world and can not be changed without everyone on the

Wizengamot agreeing to it." She spoke up again, not hiding the slight smile on her face this time.

"Now if that is all it is getting late and I would like to be well-rested for my second day of school."

"Yes I do agree it has gotten late, come along, Miss Ravenclaw, Miss Gem, I will escort you out." Professor Flitwick left the room with both girls following him. The three of them left the headmaster, deputy headmistress, and two adult Potters standing there in shock.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now