Chapter 15

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The rest of the ride to her grandparents house, Melissa sat and enjoyed the company of her family. Her brother and sister were in the way back seat having fun giggling and poking each other, and her parents were in the front seats talking about golf and what was to be expected from the family. Melissa meanwhile sat in the middle seats all to herself. She had a cooler next to her with food and drinks in it, and a blanket the she was using as a pillow against the window. She was laying in a position that made her butt slightly stick out exposing her jeans. Through her jeans you could clearly tell that the 18 year old was diapered. Her mother reached her hand back at one point and patted her bum causing Melissa to jump a little. "Hey sweet heart are you still dry back there?" Melissa nodded. She was enjoying her music and was sure that she didnt pee yet.

As they pulled into the driveway of granny and papas Melissa noticed her uncles car already there. That meant her young cousins where going to be there, and she was going to have to face the family all together while wearing her diaper. Melissas parents finally shut the engine off and everyone started to get out of the car. Melissa immediately pulled the bottom of her shirt down as she got out, making sure her diaper didnt peak out. She looked at herself in the reflection of the car and made sure she looked like a typical 18 year old, and not some baby. Melissa then grabbed her bag, took a deep breath , and made her way into her grandparents house to face the family.

Melissa walked into the house and made her way to where everyone was sitting. Her grandparents were sitting on the couch watching tv, two of her cousins were sitting at the bar drinking coke, and her uncle was in the next room over setting something up. Melissa saw her brother walk right up to her granny giving her a big hug, and everyone getting all excited to see them. At this moment melissa couldnt even feel her diaper under her butt, she simply walked up and gave everyone hugs and said her hellos. So far, so good Melissa thought. Directly after giving her uncle a hug her littlest cousin, Henry, who was 3 years old ran up the stairs and was so excited to see melissa. He ran right to her and poked her saying, "Melissa, Melissa come play Wii with me!" Melissa smiled then as she ran downstairs to play with her little cousin she saw the other 2 cousins run after her.

Her cousins always looked up to Melissa, mainly because Melissa was really good with kids. She remembers staying up all night with the twins when they were really little, and wrestling around with them as they got older. Once they got downstairs Melissa started to play wii with her little cousin, while the twins watched. After beating Henry, she took on Deane. She was having so much fun beating her cousins at wii that she didnt even notice that she had a diaper on. Melissa was getting exhausted playing wii, she had played 12 games in a row and hadnt lost yet. Her cousins were so impressed with her skills, when all of the sudden Melissa kicked the wii soccer ball and noticed her shirt flew up and stayed up. It was caught on her diaper leaving it exposed. She quickly pulled her shirt down and looked around while Eva scored a goal against her. "Ha ha, I beat you" her cousin said while doing a little dance. No one seemed to notice her diaper which made her feel very at ease.

As Melissa watched her 2 cousins play against each other she noticed how many times their shirts flew up and wondered if her diaper was exposed more than she thought. While sitting on the downstairs couch Melissa all of the sudden felt the need to pee. She had been sidetracked from the game and the need was very strong. She stood up trying not to be noticed and started peeing. She felt her diaper soaking up all of her pee and start to sag and get heavy. Melissa smiled as she thought about what she was doing. As soon as she was done she felt her little cousin grab a hold of her leg and try to tackle her. "Oh, no"! melissa shouted. She then fell and let her cousin jump on her and start wrestling. Once the twins' game was over they joined in the mix and it turned out to be a royal rumble.

Melissa was having a blast wrestling around with her cousins, playing like a kid. Her squishy wet diaper seemed to go unnoticed while they wrestled, and soon they were all just laying on the floor panting. Soon after they all went back upstairs to get something to eat. As Melissa started to grab a piece of toast she felt her mother grab her hand. "Sweet heart, go put your bag in one of the rooms upstairs please" her mother said. Melissa did as she was told and then went back down to grab some food. On her way down, Melissa got a little nervous as she felt a familiar feeling that she was hoping to avoid.

She needed to poop...

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