Chapter 2: Safe Place

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You smiled, "Okay little one. Stay here. I'll go find your dad. He might be in trouble. Do not move, alright?" You picked up the plushy and set it inside the blanket with him. Leaving the robe in your refresher to clean up later.

The child immediately hugged the plushy, looking up at you sleepily, slowly releasing his hold on you. You slip you finger from his hand and rubbed his cheek with your thumb, giving him a quick peck on his forehead before shutting your sleeping chamber where he will stay hidden and safe.

You huffed, grabbing your staff and blaster. Your knife already on your hip. You pulled you cloak over your head since the rain has started to get heavy, just as you suspected. You rolled your shoulder back to ease the nerves before taking off and closing your ship, knowing that the little one is safe.


The sound of pouring rain is almost unbearable because you could barely see your surroundings. The atmosphere immediately changed to the strong smell of rain and the town went from a light blue to a grey blue color. Lanterns are still lit up to help you find your way around even though it's already dark out. You listened closely for any sounds that may lead you to the Mandalorian.

You hoped that he's okay but judging by how big the splotch of blood on the kid's robe. Maybe not. The nervous feeling bubbling in your stomach.

And you barely know these two so why are you helping them? Perhaps the Mandalorian is somewhat a father figure or guardian towards the little one? You're pretty sure they're not related but you do know that they have a bond. A strong one at that.

Has the little already capture your heart? Was it that you couldn't bear to see the sad look on a child's face when they find out their only parent figure is gone?

Or... Perhaps you wanted to redeem yourself after what had happened a year ago?

You shook your head, feeling the sting in your eyes. Pouring rain drops on your cheeks to disguise the stray tears. Either way, you can't let that child be left alone. No way.

Your mind was later interrupted when you hear it.

The sounds of blasters going off from your left so you scuttled and stopped at the corner part of the building and took a peek around.

And there he is. The tall metal man himself in the middle of the street as he fights off one of the last thug that went after him. You could tell he's getting tired and limping on his left leg but he's not giving up.

When the last thug fell, the Mandalorian looked around frantically and you knew immediately who he's looking for. You knew you have to reunite them.

"Mandalorian!" You yell out, slowly revealing yourself. Said man stood stiff, alerted. Your hands up to show him no harm.

You continued, "I don't know if you remember me but I was the girl from this morning? Anyways, I know where the child is, but you have to come with me!"

"Where is he?!" His hand over his blaster. His voice sounded heavy and angry. His voice being modulated adds to it. It sort of sends you off guard, almost afraid and feeling a different feeling on your chest which you couldn't quite describe. You gulped.

"He's safe! I'm promise!" You gently said, revealing your face despite the heavy rain, hoping he recognize you. "Your kid came to me for help and I got him to safety. I know you don't believe me right now." You didn't realize you were just a few feet away in front of him. Your hands still up.

You could feel his gaze at your face. You noticed his shoulders a little relaxed but slightly moving up and down as he breathes heavily. Something was wrong. Your face softens from being terrified to concerned. You reached out your fingers slowly at him. "You're hurt-" 

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