Chapter 1: The Spruce Blue Plush

Start from the beginning

As you look at its big brown eyes, you felt a small familiar connection to it and you crank your neck a little, tilting your head to the side, curious.

You find yourself smiling softly at the baby, gently whispering, "Hello." Wiggling a finger at it, not planning to move any closer before a large gloved hand grabbed the little baby's hand out of your reach and tucked it into the bag.

You jumped slightly at the sudden movement and your eyes met with a black t-shaped visor. Staring right into you, observing you. His tall stature feels as if he's hovering over you but his body is facing the vendor and his head turned slightly as what seemed to be him glaring at you and your eyes would widen, realizing now that standing before you is a Mandalorian.

He stood tall, shoulders squared. His armor purely made from beskar from what you remembered to be the most toughest metal of the entire universe and... It rightfully belongs to his kind. Your mind remembering the armor that is sitting in your closet back at your ship.

You noticed how his hand is over the child, protectively as he stared down at you.

You obviously couldn't tell what he's thinking with that shiny helmet of his. Everyone should be afraid when one is at the presence of a mandalorian but... You couldn't help but stare in awed.

You murmured 'beautiful' softly, accidentally in mando'a, only later held your tongue hoping he  didn't hear you but judging by how he reacted, he for sure did. He only stared at you still.

You felt flustered, quickly setting down the plushy only for it to fall over. You bend over to grab it from the floor and bumped your head under the table with a loud thunk. All that happened in a matter of seconds.

"Dank farrik!!" You whispered yelled, rubbing your head. You carefully stood up, minding your head this time and then using the table to lift yourself up. Placing the frog on the table again and making sure it stays.

You looked at older lady in front of you, nodding your head to apologize while she softly asked if you were okay. You felt the heat radiate from the tip of your ears from embarrassment. How are you even still here?!

You glanced back at the Mandalorian, seeing that he's still looking at you, only you noticed how his head tilt to the side, sort of mocking you in a way before focusing on the items in front of him. You pouted at his reaction. Your eye trailed to the items in front of him. It looks like he's also looking at the different color variety of frog plushies.

You look back down at the child, noticing how the little one is still reaching for the plushy that you were holding. You assumed that that's why they're here, standing pretty awkwardly in front of the vendor.

You figured maybe the lil babe wanted the one you were touching. You lightly squeezed the plushy. You actually wanted the plushy for yourself because of personal reasons but seeing that it's the only one color, oddly enough, you decided to give it up.

You slowly slid the plushy to the Mandalorian's side, smiling at the green baby, mumbling you can have it before turning around to head on your way.  Just a few feet ahead, you paused for a moment before shaking your head.


It was getting close to night time and it was also starting to rain a bit so you hurried back to your ship so that you could put your goods away and enjoy the scenery in front of you.

At night, the town would light their lanterns and it would just look so beautiful even when it rains. It's often that it would rain on this planet but tonight, it looks like it's going to be pouring. You sighed, taking a one more look at the beautiful lit up town once more before closing the ramp.

As you reached for the button, you heard loud screams and blasters going off. The voices echoed throughout town. You whipped your head to the direction of the commotion.

Blindly grabbing your staff, feeling a bit uneasy. This is the first you've ever heard chaos unfold within the small, what used to be peaceful, town, in the week that you've stayed.

Luckily you had already dimmed the light of your ship's interior so that you wouldn't attract any attention. Your ship's pretty hidden in the woods which is just behind the town, and people hardly go to the woods so you're not too worried.

However, you felt a tug in your chest and worry begins to wash over you. Thinking back of the child and the Mandalorian. You didn't really think much of it but it's just something about them that draws you to them. Mainly towards the child by force but with the Mandalorian... Well, it's much deeper.

You heard a child's cry and whimper out in the distance and you turned your head, squinting your eyes as your noticed a very tiny figure hiding behind one of the houses. Holding closely what looks to be the same plushy from this morning. Your eyes widen. You grabbed your satchel and cloak, quickly putting it on.

You ran towards the child and when the child saw you, it whimpers and started running towards you with one hand reaching up to you.

"Little one! What are you doing out here by yourself?!" You shouted, concerned.

Your heart dropped when you noticed a trandoshan lurking in the shadows. Its eyes on its prey.

You gritted your teeth, "Get away from him!" You whip out your staff, as your snatched up the child, blocking the hunter's attack. You kicked the lizard in the crotch, swinging your staff down with full force to knock him down.

The impact caused him to slam into the ground hard and as he was about to grab your leg, you slam the end of your staff to his scaly hand, causing him to yell in pain and spoke atrocities at you. Most likely calling you insults, so you swung your staff at his head once more to shut him up, knocking him out with the end of your staff again. Making sure he's unconscious (maybe dead.) You huffed, leaning on the wall and placed your staff next to you. You looked down at the child.

"You okay?" You asked him, using your thumb to gently rub his hand. He cooed, grabbing your shirt for comfort, seemingly out of breath and scared. On his left, he holds the plushy that you left for him to take. He placed his left hand on your finger. You smiled, "Your dad must of gotten that for you. That's good..."

Your brows furrowed, using your finger when you noticed dark splotches on the child's rope. You gasped, realizing that it's blood.

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