"What? That doesn't make sense? Where are you? I can't talk to somebody like you!"

"I'm in the prison."

"Huh?! What'd you do so bad that you had to get thrown in?!"

They laughed, "Oceanlaw! That is.."

"What even is oceanlaw?"

"Whatever is in the ocean for long enough, is free to take! Except, we're not near the ocean, so I stole!" They laughed.

"You're a stupid thief aren't you?" Finana said deadpanned.

"Maybe, I think i'm pretty smart!"

"You got caught though."

"Um, well that's on me then."

"Can I see you?"

"Why not? I'm stuck in a cellar for the rest of my life, so don't need to ask!" They laughed.

Their laugh is very contagious.

"Okay, I'm coming down!"

Finana put on her slippers, and ran down, trying her best to avoid the guards. She closed the door to the cellar gently.

Finana blinked, seeing the prisoner. She was pretty, very pretty.


"Oh, so you were the princess."


"You talk to the moon that much to name it? How lonely can you be?" She scoffed.

"Hey! At least I'm not stuck behind bars!"

"Fine, fine."

"Thank you!" Finana could tell that she was annoying.

"Why did you come down here."

"Um, because I thought it'd be nice to talk to somebody who sounded like my age." Finana blushed out of embarrassment.

"Isn't that a little dangerous though?"

"How could it be?"

"Idiot princess, what if I'm so evil I'm manipulating you right now?"

"Whatever, I'm not gonna let you out of the cellar anyways."

"Well, what if I was a really big and strong man who thought of a plan to see the princess by invading through the jail? Hell, I could tear the bars apart and grab you to kiss you or something. Wouldn't that be disgusting?"

Finana looked at the prisoner with disgust.

"Exactly! A face like that already tells me what you're thinking!" She laughs.

"Um, how could he make a voice like yours?" Finana looked at her smugly.


Her smug face fell, the prisoner laughed harder.

"Okay, well maybe doing this wasn't the smartest thing."

"It's fine, I'm glad to be able to talk to somebody my age too." The air around them became soft.

"Me too, did you know, you're the first girl my age I've spoken to?"

"No. Ever met any guys your age?"

"Wow this is normal girl talk now!" Finana was excited.

The prisoner laughed at her statement, how funny it would be to hear it from any other girls, "Of course! So, have you?"

"I have, my dad shows me a lot of suitors, but they're not my type, some of them are soooo handsome! And then their personality shows." Finana's smile twitches.

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