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Marshal Ma and General Beng rushed into Water Curtain Cave, calling for the regent. "Macaque! We have a situation!"

Macaque stepped out of the stone mansion concerned. "What is it? Is the Celestial Realm back?" His amber eyes scanned his two friends, all six ears perked up. "Has Wukong returned?" He asked, a hint of hope lingering in his voice.

Marshal Ma shook her head. "It isn't something easily explained." The tan monkey wrung her hands looking back at the waterfall.

"Agreed." General Beng added. "You have to see it. At the top of the waterfall." The tall monkey set a hand on Ma's shoulder.

Macaque frowned. "The top of the waterfall? Show me." The two generals lead Macaque to the peak of the mountain. The six eared monkey recognized the pond and tree there. "This is the same peak Wukong was born on." He muttered, looking around.

"We know. That's why we're so concerned." Marshal Ma explained. "The stone egg the king hatch from. It's reformed somehow!" She pointed past the pond, towards a small pile of stones. The oval shaped rock at the top glowed faintly.

"Sweet merciful Buddha." Macaque gasped, rushing forward. "This is bad. So bad. If the Celestial Realm finds out...."

"Exactly." General Beng gravely nodded. "They will certainly come back again for revenge."

"Or to prevent another Sun Wukong." Macaque whispered, horrified. "Say not a word to anyone. No one can come up here. We have to hide the egg."

Marshal Ma gave the regent a concerned look. "Will relocating the egg hurt the child?"

Macaque hesitated. "I don't know. Wukong and I don't know much about what we are. I didn't even come from a stone egg. Mine was wind." The three monkeys looked between each other helplessly.

"We need to fortify the mountain." General Beng realized. "Some sort of protection to keep any enemies out." Marshal Ma nodded in agreement.

"I can get some of the elders to start looking through the treasury for anything that can help us." She added. "Macaque, what do you-" When they turned back to Macaque he was holding his hands over the stone egg, a look of wonder on his face. "Macaque?"

"He's like me." The shadow user breathed out. "He has been blessed by the stars and sky. He has the power of heaven and earth, sun and moon, like Wukong. But a gift like me." His six ear glowed brilliant hues of blue, purple, and pink, his eyes shown violet. "He's going to be amazing and kind. Our little sky. Qi Xaiotain. My son. Wukong's son. A little prince who can peer into a person's soul and see their intentions."

The other two gaped at the regent. "A prince? He'll be that powerful? Heaven will certainly wish to kill him. We must keep him safe!" General Beng exclaimed, looking around worriedly.

Macaque pulled the stone egg into his arms. "We can move the egg safely. But he will need something to give him the same energy as this peak does. So moving will have to be temporary until Wukong can return. Our king is still trapped under a mountain and it's unclear when he will be freed. Until then all we can do is survive and prepare." He looked over to the two Stalwart generals and smiled. "I can't wait for us to meet our new prince." His smile dropped. "I wish Wukong was here for this." His eyes dropped to the egg.

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