Simmer ↟

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You wanted to kill Steve and Tony, you wanted a slow and painful death for them. They knew that you and Wanda couldn't stay in the same place, but they still insisted that you had to do a mission together. You always did missions alone with Natasha and Clint, sometimes Bucky and Sam, but never with Wanda.

Wanda on the other side, wanted to punch Clint for making the suggestion to Tony and Steve. He wanted the team to be more united. You two never talked without making some sarcastic joke about each other. There was just no dynamic between you.

However, the mission was only a recon mission, but a mental trigger caused Wanda to attack some Hydra guards and end up getting hurt. She was shot in the left side of her waist.

You had to eliminate the base by yourself, after you managed to get Wanda to a safe place. The quinjet was also destroyed, along with your communication. You felt anger in your body. After destroying the base you went back to Wanda. You approached her, realizing that she was unconscious. You brought a hand to her cheek and used your powers to wake her up.

She woke up startled and you didn't give her time to react. You slipped one of your arms under her legs and the other behind her back. She was about to curse, but soon you lifted her off the floor. She wrapped her arms around your shoulders to steady herself, she tried not to show it but you knew she was fighting the pain.

"You trust me?" You said looking at Wanda who seemed to hesitate.

She nodded but was about to say something that was interrupted by you running. You had superhuman agility, so running while carrying Wanda was not a problem. You ran all the way through the forest where the base was, looking for some cabin until you found one.

When you stopped running, in front of the cabin door, Wanda extricated herself from your body with difficulty and stood facing you. She had an angry look on her face. You were about to apologize, but were interrupted by a sequence of punches on your shoulders.

"What's wrong with you?" Wanda shouted, still throwing punches at your shoulders. "You could have hurt me even more."

"It's my fault for trying to help you?!" You shouted back.

You tried to pull away but she kept punching you. You didn't want to lose your head, but Wanda wasn't helping so with one quick movement you grabbed Wanda's wrists and pressed her against the cabin door. She looked at you angrily, very angrily.

"You are going to stay calm, or I will leave you here and go away." You threatened with a serious tone and you could feel Wanda looking into your eyes searching if you were speaking the truth. You weren't.

She was about to react, but felt a sharp pain coming from the bullet hole. You let go of her wrists and put one of her arms around your shoulder. You knocked on the cabin door a few times but didn't hear anything. Quickly you kicked the doorknob and the door opened. The cabin didn't look completely abandoned, and it didn't even look like it had been used recently. It didn't smell as bad as some abandoned place, but it didn't have a pleasant smell either. You noticed that the calendar on the wall was from 6 months ago.

"If it has an owner he will kill us." Wanda said between teeth.

"Will you stop complaining? I'm trying to help you." You said, looking around for any sign of life but the cabin seemed completely empty.

You led Wanda to a couch and helped her sit down. You knelt in front of her and lifted the jacket of her suit to see the wound, but Wanda held your hand. You looked at her, raising an eyebrow in question, and noticed that she was not breathing properly.

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