Chapter Nineteen

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I should stop my feelings for him and that's final. I mean, what good does having a crush even give? I was able to go to school and get good grades even without it. I managed to live alone by myself even without his company. Hoping to have somebody you can't attain just doesn't make sense. I'm choosing to stop these feelings, for real.

I took a deep breath when I finally entered the school gate. I don't think I should go straight to the classroom. If I find him there, then I might do some stupid things like crushing and fantasizing over him again. And I won't let that happen.

So where should I go now? I held my chin and thought. If I go to the council's office, I might just see Vandeleur's annoying face. Our argument is still fresh in my mind and I don't want to see him. Therefore, the best choice would be nothing else but our heavenly library.

Right. The library is where I'm going to. I took a step, and thinking that I could finally distance myself from trouble, I suddenly heard that voice.

"Why are you still standing here? Waiting for me?"

I thinned my lips. It's early in the morning and yet he has already spoken nearly ten words to me.

"You wish," I whispered without looking at him. God, I just told to myself that I'm gonna stop whatever I feel for him. Is the universe really conspiring to make my life miserable? Just let me live in peace!

"Anyways, good morning."

And there he goes with his greetings again. And here I am, not knowing if I should answer. I put my chin up and started heading towards the school anyways. No matter how much I speed up my pace, he managed to keep up with me.

"What did you eat for breakfast?"
he randomly asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just to know if you have eaten well."

My brow arched, but I still did not look at him. "And why do you want to know?"

He chuckled. "I don't know either."

I stared at him with confusion. What kind of answer is that? Early in the morning and he's being weird.

"Wow, you finally looked at me," he said and I rolled my eyes, shifting my gaze away from him.

"Don't talk to me."


"Just don't."

"Did I do something wrong?"

I paused for awhile. "I don't know. Just don't talk to me."

"But I can't help it."

"Then go talk to Eva instead."

"Wait, so she's the reason why you don't wanna talk to me?"

My eyes widened. "What? Ofcourse not! My friend has nothing to do with this."

"Friend, huh? How about me? We've met each other since last year but you never even considered me as one."

"Got any complaints with that?" 

He smiled. "No ma'am."

I no longer replied to him as to not prolong the conversation. We already reached our classroom and no one else was there yet. The door was already opened by the school guard, so we're free to get inside. The fact that there were just the two of us seems awkward. I hoped this morning would be silent and peaceful, but knowing Zuo Hang, he really doesn't wanna give up being nosy around me.

I wasn't even able to take a seat or place my bag on my chair yet, when Zuo Hang blocked my way and thought of another set of words to say again.

"So you don't wanna talk to me because of Eva? Fine, I'll stay away from her then."

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