CHAPTER I: Better Luck Next Time...

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(Author's note - Guys i do not play basketball, and i have no idea how it works. Bare with me here)
Hero was way taller than Hiki, which is not surprising since he was 3 years older than him, and yet he hardly ever scored a basket when playing basketball. He and Hiki walked to the basketball court as Mari, Basil, and Aubrey sat down on the blanket with Sunny.

Kel's POV:
We walked to the court and stood facing each other in the middle of it. I took the ball and started dribbling as Hero kept trying to block me from the hoop. I ran around him, jumped, and tried throwing the ball into the hoop on his side, but it pounced off the rim, accidentally hitting his back and knocking him over.

"1-0!" Mari yelled from the picnic blanket, not realizing it hit him. I ran over to him trying to help him up
"Hero are you okay??" I asked. "Huff... i just need to...huff... catch my breath..." He responded.


3rd person POV:
After a while, they started again. Hero started running to Hiki's side of the hoop, but Hiki jumped in front of Hero and caught the ball. He ran to the other side and threw the ball.

"2-0! C'mon Hero you can do it!!" Mari screamed. The game kept going until they both got to 3-3 (which took a surprising amount of time). Hero almost got to his fourth point until he tripped on a rock. He fell face-first but caught himself. The group rushed to him asking if he was okay while Hiki just stood there in shock, eyes wide open, his mind empty.

"I'm fine, really. My ankle just hurts." Hero said as everyone helped him to the blanket in the corner. "Hiki... are you alright? You've been standing there for a while..." Sunny asked. Hiki shook his head, snapped back to reality, and nodded slowly as they both walked over to Hero.

The group sat and talked and laughed for a long time. An hour or so later, Sunny yawned as he pet the cat. After a few minutes, He fell asleep on Mari's shoulder with the cat on his lap. "Looks like Sunny and Mewo are tired, we should probably leave." Mari said as she carried Sunny on her back. Mewo (the cat) followed after her slowly.

"Can we come with you? To say goodbye?" Aubrey asked. Mari nodded as a small sweat drop rolled down her cheeks from carrying Sunny for too long. Aubrey and Basil jumped happily before they followed Mari to her house. Hiki hugged Hero goodbye, grabbed his shovel, and followed after them Hero decided to stay in the blanket to heal his ankle.

They walked all the way to Mari and Sunny's house through a small opening in a forest that looked like a tunnel, until they faced a massive rabbit blocking their way through the opening. "Holy cheese puffs! That's a huge rabbit!" Aubrey screamed. Without any thought, everyone started attacking the rabbit, until Hiki landed the final attack on the rabbit's tail with his shiny shovel. The three youngsters let out a sigh of relief as they put away their weapons and continued their way to the house.

"We're home *Okaasan!" Mari shouted as she left her shoes next to the front door of their moderate house. "Hello Mrs. Suzuki!" Aubrey shouted. Hiki waved at the woman sitting on the couch as Basil gave a very small bow.
*Okaasan - A word for Mom in Japanese

Mari headed to her and Sunny's room as she waved goodbye to her friends. "Do you want dinner?" Mrs. Suzuki asked them in just slightly broken english. "No ma'am, we just came here to say goodnight to Mari and Sunny!" Basil replied. "Are you sure? I made rice and fish extra!" She replied with an innocent tone. "We can stay for some dinner..." said Aubrey.

That night, Mari, Aubrey, Hiki, and Basil feasted on the fish, rice, and beans until they were full. They went to Mari's room to say goodnight to Sunny, when the wind from the window blew on Sunny's sketchbook into a picture of a boy wearing white pj's, looking down, face unseeable.

"Huh..? I don't remember Sunny showing us that..." Hiki says, right before realizing what it is. "Hiki, are you okay? You have a scared look on your face." Mari asked. Which he did, he looked as if there was a ghost. Soon after, everyone had fainted onto the floor.

FARAWAY... (Sneak peak)
A tall boy with brown skin, dark brown hair, a black shirt, orange tank-top on top of the shirt, and orange shorts. He was thirsty... for some delicious Orange Joe.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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