Surprise Party

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You were more anxious than ever, you had been thinking about this party for months. You put all the Avengers to work, everyone was helping you without blinking an eye. Everyone liked Wanda, everyone liked you too, so they were happy with what you were doing. A birthday party, with the theme she loved the most: sitcom.

Peter was upside down, putting the last decorations on the ceiling. Steve and Bucky were setting the table in the center of the hall, while Sam and Vision were in the kitchen picking apart some food that you had prepared. You, with your power, multiplied into 6 copies and began to organize things faster.

"Photocopy, Mr. Stark asked to inform you that Miss Romanoff and Miss Maximoff are on their way." F.R.I.D.A.Y announced over the loudspeaker.

"Photocopy, really Stark?" You shouted, along with your copies. "Okay guys, get ready."

You felt your heart race as you used your super hearing. They were in the hallway. Your copies disappeared, leaving only you. Peter, came down from the ceiling, Steve, Bucky and Sam came close to you. Tony joined Clint in laughing. You took advantage of this and pointed your middle finger at both of them.

When the door to the hall opened, you froze and looked at the door. Wanda looked surprised, her mouth was ajar, and Natasha, standing next to her, had a disguised smile on her face. You came to your senses and pressed a button. Tony's robots appeared and began to play back scenes from the sitcoms that Wanda loved.

When the last of the robots finished, you noticed that everyone was laughing, but Wanda was smiling broadly but crying. You got desperate and ran to her.

"Oh shit, you're crying, I'm sorry." You started to speak quickly. "I tried to make a nice birthday, with the things you like, I even made your favorite food..."

"You made this for me?" Wanda asked with her voice failing from crying, "Hey, it's okay, I actually loved it."

You looked her up and down, she looked lovely as always, but she had a hint of Natasha in her clothes.

"Wow, you Olympus let a goddess get away." You let go without thinking and smacked your forehead with your other hand when you realized.

"I hope on today's menu is Me 'n' u" Wanda said smiling.

Now you were the one who was dumbfounded, Wanda noticed your surprise and let out a laugh that warmed your heart

"Are you really flirting with me right now?" you asked.

Peter approached with a small gift box in his hand. Interrupting your moment. Soon you noticed everyone approaching, and then you took a few steps back, so she could enjoy it.

The party went smoothly, Wanda interacted with all the avengers, thanking them for the gifts she received from each one. You watched her from afar, you didn't want to get on her heels, because after all it was her party. A hint of jealousy invaded your chest when you saw her laughing with Vision.

You left the hall, walked to the outside area and leaned on the ledge looking at the city ahead of you. Wanda noticed you leaving, she excused herself to Vision and walked over to you.

"That was the best birthday party I could have." Wanda said, catching your attention, you turned to her and smiled. "Thank you."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." You looked into her eyes. "Wanda, I was wondering..."

"How about a kiss?" She said taking a step forward.

"Wait, what?" you were confused and laughed mirthlessly. "Aren't you going to let me ask you out first?"

Wanda denied with her head, you then smiled and stepped closer. Your heart raced in your chest, feeling as if it would burst out of your mouth at any moment. You felt your mind go into shock. Your hands went to Wanda's waist, pulling her to your body. She brought her hands up to your neck, and then you kissed her.

You remembered reading once that kissing was a connection of souls, but you had never believed it, not until this moment, until you kissed Wanda. It was At that moment that you knew you needed her more than you ever imagined.

When air was needed, Wanda pulled away and rested her forehead against yours. She had a big smile on her face. You brought a hand up to her face, caressing her cheek.

"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror... "You laughed. "You ruined my moment, I had a speech in mind.

"Oh, don't worry, I saw the whole thing." Wanda kissed your lips again.

One-Shot ⚜ Wanda Maximoff x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant