Fight back (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

Ragyo" Another one down, now then next will be Nonon.(Nonon stepped onto the platform) Begin."

Nonon used her music to deafen Y/n, but again Y/n just stood there and tanked it. Eventually Y/n slowly walked to Nonon and broke her speakers, he then picked him up and threw her off the platform.

Ragyo" .... Again Y/n wins, Inumatu."

Inumatu was clocked and tried to hit Y/n in the back of the head, but Y/n caught the punch and crushed Inumtau's hand and the kneed him in the stomach then kicked him in the face knocking him out. Y/n then turned back to Ragyo.

Ragyo" ... Uzu.(She looked at Uzu to see him gone and a hole in a distant wall that looked like him) Now then my daughters will face you." Both Ryuko and Satsuki changed into their kamuis.

Y/n was about to charge at them but Ragyo took out his necklace.

Ragyo" Oh you're worried about this. Don't worry Nui will hold onto it wont you?"

Nui"(takes the necklace) Yeah I'll make sure nothing happens to it. ( she then turns and throws it far, smirking she and Ragyo look back at Y/n to see him not there) Where is he?"

The students pointed to behind Nui, she looked back to see Y/n there with his necklace in his hands. Y/n then kicked Nui and she was sent flying and landed on the platform. Y/n jumped down to the platform and was prepared to fight them until.

Ragyo" Well this is interesting but this has to come to an end."

Y/n looked at Ragyo to see her holding a detonator, she pressed it and tons of clothes with life fibers sown into them appeared and started to wrap around all the students, one tried to wrap around Y/n but he ripped it in halve.

Ragyo" Ahh finally my plan is set into motion, soon everyone will be under my control and worship life fibers. (She then looked at Y/n) Don't worry son, you'll get a special uniform."

Y/n" (put his necklace and made a fist and tightened it) I'm not your son, nor will i ever be."

Y/n disappeared and reappeared in front of Ragyo and punched her in the stomach then in the face, Y/n kept doing this until he sent a overhand at Ragyo which sent her flying into the ground below them. Y/n looked at where Ragyo landed to see that she wasn't there, Y/n looked behind him to see her there. Y/n went for another punch but Ryuko grabbed his arm, then satsuki grabbed the other one and Ragyo approached Y/n and impaled him with her hand, she the removed her hand with Y/n's heart in hand and it looked like this:

 Y/n went for another punch but Ryuko grabbed his arm, then satsuki grabbed the other one and Ragyo approached Y/n and impaled him with her hand, she the removed her hand with Y/n's heart in hand and it looked like this:

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Ragyo" You see this is your heart made of life fibers. You're my son and i did have your family killed."

Y/n" ....."

Y/n freed his arm from Ryuko, and impaled Ragyo with his hand and ripped out her heart. Ragyo looked impressed that he was able to do that but she was also in pain.

Y/n" Hurts don't it."

Y/n then tried to crush her heart but Nui came and kicked him away from Ragyo, Y/n hit the ground and slide across it until he stood back up, his heart then went back into his body and his wounds healed.

Ragyo" So son what will you do know, my plan is almost complete why don't you join me."

Y/n" .... Why would i join the one who gave me fucking life fibers, the person responsible for taking my family away from me and the person responsible for ruining my life?!"

Ragyo" Because like it or not we are the only family you have left, yes we did adopt you but to us you aren't."

Satsuki" Brother join us we could be the family you wanted."

Ryuko" Forget about the L/n family and be apart of the Kiryūin family!"

Y/n just looked at them and jumped away at first he got far then he started to get attacked by the controlled students, but when Y/n got even further the elite four and Mako tried to stop him. Y/n made it past them and kept on getting further away until he he saw Chris, Kinagase, Aikurō and a bunch of others on a ship. Y/n landed on it and turned to them.

Y/n" Its true i am part life fiber."

Chris" Y/n. (Chris ran up to Y/n and hugged him) I'm so sorry."

 Y/n" What happens now?"

Kinagase" We get you stronger to take down your step mom, and her daughters but until then we should relocate."

Aikurō" I've already told everyone to, but Y/n how are you gonna fight them? Yeah sure you can take Ryuko and Satsuki bit not Nui and Ragyo."

Y/n" I don't know."


Ragyo" Don't worry daughters your brother will return to us."

Ryuko" Yeah i can't wait he is strong and i want to fight."

Satsuki" I'm surprised that just with life fibers he is that strong."

Nui" Should i keep making the Kamui?"

Ragyo" Yes think of it as a coming home gift, he is interesting i believe he is that strong because he is fighting for revenge."

They all then walked away.

Back with Y/n

Y/n was sitting on the edge of the ship holding his necklace and looking at the sky. Even though Y/n was scared about what is happening he was calm. He then stood back up and walked into the ship.

The screen the turns black as this chapter ends

Author note: Hope you enjoy

see ya next time  

Words: 1366

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