With Trevor:

"Trevor take out the trash before you go please!" Arise shouted from the freezer "Okay!" Trevor pulled up the bag before dragging it out and throwing it in the garbage. He felt something...off, he turned around and saw...shit Muncher again? How did he even get out again? "Fuck..." he called the house phone number and after 2 rings there was an answer on the other side of the phone "Hello?" It was Ray "Hey uh Ray, Muncher got out...again." He heard Ray sigh from the other side of the phone "Alright, come back home and we'll-" "I can't go home I'm going to meet Wills friends right now!" Trevor said putting his arm up in the air "Trevor-" "Please Ray!" It was silent "Fine." "Yes thank you!" "Yeah yeah no problem." They hung up the phone "Trevor?" He turned around it was Will, He walked over to Him and gave him a kiss "Hello love." Will chuckled "You ready to meet my friends?" "Yup!" He looked behind Will to make sure Muncher was gone and thank god he was "So how's everything so far over there, no fights?" Trevor and Will were walking to the Rink now "Nope everything's amazing! I was talking to Lucas and Mike just catching up you know?" Will smiled.

Okay Trevor just tell him about how you feel about Lucas holding him, and it'll all be over the uncomfortableness done...but what if he gets mad at him for telling him what to do, what if he doesn't even have a crush on Will besides they have been friends since they were kids, maybe Lucas physical affection is touch, but still it made him uncomfortable the fact that Lucas was holding him but what if Will thinks I'm being toxic? Am I being Toxic? Is this what Luckys dad meant when he was talking about Will? No he loves me he wouldn't leave me for Lucas. But...what does he even mean is Will a criminal? Fuck what's wrong with me stop thinking this. Everything's fi- "Trevor?" Trevor was snapped out of his thoughts "Y-Yeah?" "You okay? You haven't talked since we left." That was only 2 minutes ago "2 minutes ago?" Will and him stopped walking "It's been 10 minutes we are in the parking lot now." Will said with a concerned look on his face "What?" Trevor looked around and saw that they were indeed in the parking lot "O-Oh..." Will let go of  his boyfriends hand "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing I just...spaced out that's all." "Are you sure?" "Of course darling." Trevor kissed Will on his forehead "If you say so" Will smiled before grabbed Trevors hand again and rushing into the skating rink "Guys I'm back!" Will saw the party all sitting down in the booths "Will!" El shot up and embraced her brother in a tight hug and then letting go "I didn't even notice you left until Lucas told me." She looked by her brother and saw Trevor "Trevor!" El went up to the boy and hugged him tight before letting go and dragging them to the party "Guys this is Trevor." Will smiled, and when he looked at everyone's face they were shocked "Holy shit he looks like Mike!" Dustin shot up and pointed at Trevor and then Mike who had a face of happiness "Hey Trevor I'm Mike." He put a hand out for him to shake "Hi Mike." He smiled and shook the other boys hand "Uh hello how are you two not bothered by this!?" Steve shouted "because Will told me." Trevor smiled "Same." Mike said after "Wow you guys could pass off as twins" Robin said looked at Mike and Trevor "Anyways I'm Robin." "Steve." "Oh hi! Wait...Steve the hair Harrington!" Trevor stared at the older mans hair "I'm assuming Will told you that." "Yeah Man! I thought it was a joke but wow your hair is cool how do you even do that to it?" Steve shrugged "Hairspray." "Cool" "anyways! I'm Dustin!" "Hey Dustin!" "Max nice to finally meet you Trevor." "Nice to finally meet you to Max I heard a lot about you from El and Will." "Told you I'm the favorite." She smirked at Dustin who rolled his eyes, Will noticed how Lucas didn't even say anything yet "And this is my friend Lucas." Lucas and Trevor looked at each other "hey..." they both said at the same time. This was very awkward everyone could tell. "Hey let's go skate!" El interrupted the not so silence silence "Yup!" "Yeah!" "Let's go!" Everyone got up and skated on the rink leaving Lucas Will and Trevor around each other "Uhh you want me to get you a pair Trevor?" Will asked "Uhh yes please.." Will smiled quickly then leaving to get the skates. The silence between the two were uncomfortable "Uhh so Trevor I uhh heard about you?" That sounded more like a question "Yeah?" "Mhm... so I-" "do you like Will?" He said seriously "What?" "You heard me." Silence between the two again "That's non of your business man." "But it is." "Why? Why are you being so possessive of Will he's my friend to I've known him longer than you." "Yeah well-" "I'm back!" Will said giving Trevor the skates "Oh thanks Will..." Will looked between the two boys and saw that they both looked annoyed "is everything...okay?" "Yup." They both said at the same time. Silence again. "I'm going to go skate." Lucas said getting up and skating to the rink "Uh okay..." Will said a little disappointed he left "Trev are you sure everything's okay?" Will said a little worried "everything's fine Will no worries." Trevor smiled at his boyfriend reassuring him everything was okay even though it wasn't "okay if you say so..."
Today is going to be such a long day...

LONGER CHAPTER AT 2212 WORDS? DRAMA? YES? LUCAS AND TREVOR MIGHT HATE EACH OTHER WHO KNOWS! Also I like made this chapter while listening to Melanie's New Album Portals and honestly I fucking love it to darn much! Fav song is definitely Portals and Evil. Since we are on the topic of Melanie let's talk about my other fav songs. From Cry baby I love the song Doll house,Cry baby, and Ms. Potato head mostly because I relate to those songs. And for K-12 it's definitely Recess and probably Strawberry Shortcake which I relate to the most sadly :(. But YEAH THATS SO FUN I LOVE THEM! ANYWAYS BYE MY DARLINGS

That's just great...(Trevor x Will)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن