M. Coopersmith disappeared back down the cave.

When Chris could no longer see him, he turned to Samantha.  She half-smiled at him in the gloom, but it was a nervous, fleeting smile, almost a tic.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she said back.

"Some night, huh?"

He took a cautious step forward.

"Yeah," Samantha said, "definitely some night."

"I really think we're going to be okay, though.  I didn't at first...but now I do."

She nodded.  "I think so too."

A long pause followed; then Chris said, "I'm sorry about all of this."

"Why are you sorry?  It's not your fault."

"Actually, it is.  If I had just remembered my phone, none of this would have ever happened.  To us, anyway."

"Yeah, you're right," Samantha agreed.  "It really is your fault."


"You know what, though?  I'm glad you forgot it, Chris.  I'm glad we had to come back...because if we hadn't, you're right.  None of this would have happened.  I wouldn't have had the scariest, most amazing night of my life."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm serious.  I've learned so many things tonight, all in just the last hour.  I've learned about aliens and other planets and other ways of being and feeling.  And I've learned about me.  And you."

"What have you learned about me?"

"That you're brave.  Strong.  All that good stuff."

Chris felt himself blush and hoped she could not see it in the darkness of the cave.  "That's nice for you to say."

"It's the truth."

Chris thought, I guess I might as well lay it all out.

"Do you know why I joined the Yearbook Committee?" he asked her quietly.

"No.  Why?"

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you."

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"No, I want to.  It's just that...if we don't survive this, I don't want to die with any secrets, you know?"  He paused.  "I joined the Yearbook Committee so I could meet you.  There.  I said it."

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