
        Ixillius stayed near the cart, looking up at the woman he loved, watching her laugh along with the men. The sun lit her hair in every color of autumn, her dark brown eyes smiling at the crowd as much as her lips as the plated collar flashed in her hand. She suddenly seemed to become more, as she had that day at the lodge, and the increasing crowd hushed to murmurs as she drew in a breath to begin speaking.

        "I am Alexandria Avilia," she called, projecting as well as she could without cracking her voice. "Daughter to Sertor Avilius Tacito Severus. Ixillius Traversi, Centurion of the 6th and 4th of Minerva's 1st, owns me by fight!" she yelled, the men of the 6th and 4th nodding agreement. "I am daughter to Avilius, but my father is not here. He is in Illyria. He fights with the 20th. Good Ixillius, in respect to my father, says I march to Illyria with First File, he says I am no slave," she paused, letting that sink in. "But no ransom," she said with a shrug, dropping her arm and holding the collar to her chest. "No father here," she looked down at her husband. "Only good Ixillius is here."

        Ixillius couldn't hold her gaze so looked around at the men, seeing the sympathetic frowns they were starting to wear at her words as she paused, thoughts and fears of their own women being trapped in the same situation clear on their faces. The glances the men shot at him were filled with the hope that their own women would be so lucky. By the gods, she was good at this.

        "Good Ixillius owns me, and he says I march with good First File to my father. He gives respect to Avilius, to a name. Good Ixillius has no father, but says I march with good First File." Alex looked around at each face and saw that her message was mostly being understood, that even at rock bottom he was holding his word, not taking out his grief or anger on his slave. "But Naevius wants the woman Avilia. In no respect to good First File, wants to steal me. In no respect to good Ixillius, wants to steal me. In no respect to my father, wants to steal me. In no respect to the Legion!" She thrust the collar back up. "Good Ixillius owns me by fight!" There was more than a smattering of cheers.

        "I am an heir to Avilius Victrix, father to Avilius Tacito Severus!" Naevius cried out as the voices in the crowd swung into agreement with Alex. "By law! By Rome!"

        Alex laid on a look of astonishment three miles thick.

        "My uncle?" she asked, drawing a round of laughter. "No. Not brother. Not uncle. Not son."

        Naevius turned away from her sarcastically sad smile and faced off with Ixillius.

        "Release her bond to me immediately," he demanded of the taller Centurion. "If she is the bastard daughter to Avilius Tacito Severus, she is my cousin by marriage and is my lawful ward."

        Alex listened to the murmurs in the crowd and held the collar at her side, watching the faces, as Ixillius hesitated to answer. She was impressed how quickly the name 'Valerius' started popping up. Verus made no sign of stepping in, so when she got the idea she took the gamble, pointing out with her empty hand across the gathering centuries. The men quieted quickly.

        "Before Bonna, I am in the village. You," she paused and singled out a man that she knew had been present near the pit, and again when she had taken up a sword when she'd killed Hiltraud. "You see I am in the pit," and he nodded in agreement before she continued. "In respect to the 6th and 4th, to the fight in the village, to Minerva's 1st Legion, I says good Ixillius owns me, owns Avilia. In respect to the 20th, good Ixillius says I march to my father, to Avilius Tacito Severus, with good First File."

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