"If I live for one hundred years, I won't forget a moment of that ride for the rest of my days," Verus stated in a calm voice, which was in no way reflected by the wild grin on his face, as he stepped close to Ixillius and took the Centurion's staff from the larger man.


        Max pranced, kicked and then hopped in place for the entertainment of the troops, each quick trick bringing him further accolades from the men. Alex worked Big Man a few moments for his applause, distracting his attention from the fight she'd promised him with appeals to his never-ending vanity. As she thought about it, he was probably the only male she knew who was more aware of his own physical beauty than Verus.

        Big Man Max huffed proudly as she slid off and bob-curtsied to the marching line, ordering Max into bowing onto a single front knee beside her. The ranks of troops exploded in cheering applause again and Max popped up to all four feet, standing at his best pose – muddy and sweat‐stained and still absolutely beautiful. Alex threw her arms around his neck and patted and congratulated him for a race well run. He nickered happily, nosing at her face and neck when she stepped back so she would kiss his nose and scratch his chin, the increasing audience laughing at the affection.

        Naevius had gained his feet by the time she turned from Max to find a blanket to throw over him and looked to what she was expecting to be, at the very least, an interesting scene. The three men she was looking for were standing still, staring back at her: Naevius was purple with rage, Verus was grinning like a fool, and Ixillius appeared to be in some kind of disbelief. One of the men from the line, familiar with horses, walked over with his own blanket held out to her before she even asked. Alex smiled and thanked him, getting a huge grin in return, and threw it over Max's back. A second man offered a second blanket, laughing that the big horse needed two to cover him well.

        The 6th and 4th stood in tight groups behind their immobile Centurion; they were anticipating a show. Alex glanced up the line and realized the back end of the 6th and 3rd were also waiting to see what was going to happen next, more men coming from back and forward to crowd in as the seconds passed, and Verus was motioning for her to take the lead on the situation.

        Alex cursed the First File under her breath. She left Max ground tied and walked up to where her men were standing beside Naevius, attempting to tuck close to Ixillius and turn any attention back onto Verus. As the commanding officer in the area, Verus's place was to deal with the offending Centurion who had left the line for whatever reason that involved her. Verus did a quick scan of the growing crowd and bowed to her politely, his most winning smile playing at his lips as he deferred to her, and Naevius growing even more enraged by the second.

        Alex gritted her teeth and pulled a quick plan together. She opened Ixillius's cloak and plucked her collar out of his pocket, where she knew it would be, twisting her hand out of his and winking up at him when he tried to stop her.

        "Alex to go up," she told him, pointing at the nearest cart.

        He finally seemed to look around and see what was happening, including Verus's smirk, then walked over with her and helped her up, clearly not happy. Alex stood as tall as she could and looked out across the sea of faces in each direction, each man waiting to see what she was going to do now that the First File had publicly deferred to her authority in the matter she didn't yet fully understand. She knew that Naevius should be with his century, and he wasn't. This had something to do with her, and her father's name. She could work that and wing the rest if Verus corrected anything she said. She held up the plated collar high over her head, smiling and chuckling at the few whistles and cat‐calls she got.

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