Chapter 16: Cracks

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Ally POV

Austin kept following behind me to protect me. Finally we reached my front door.

"Are you sure that you want to go in?"

"Yes! My book is in there!"

I open my door. It fell forward and hit with a crash. Great opening.

"Are you sure? I can go get it while you stay down here."

"No Ill get it myself." I walk to the staircase. I step on the steps. They got cracks on them. I don't care I start walking up them.

"You need me to come with you?"

"No I'm good by myself."

I open my door to a huge hole in my floor. My door fell through it and landed in the kitchen right below it.

"OMG are you ok?"

"Yes." I was getting tired of his protection sometimes.

I walk around the corners of my room. When I got to my bed I climbed through the end. It bounced a little. I got my pillow case and pulled out my book. Yes! It was perfectly fine. But then I heard cracks.

"Ally you better come fast!" I automatically got up. Plop!

I fell through the floor. I landed on the table then rolled off on to the floor.

"Ally! Are you ok?!"

"Yes I'm fine." I was sure. I got my book and that's all I needed.

"Good now let's go."

"Ok. We are going to meet Trish and Dez at Sonic Boom."

"Ok let's go then."

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