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"Good morning, Odette."

I yawned as I walked into the briefing room past Jake and Javy before sitting at my normal seat in the middle of the room and at it was an iced coffee. Confused, I glanced at Jake who had been the one to greet me when I walked in.

"Double shot of espresso," he added with a smile before turning back to Coyote.

I was tired and after our date on Friday, I was less suspicious than I would have been before. Before I could dwell on it any longer, Natasha plopped down beside me with a sigh.

"What's with you?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I went out this weekend to find a dress for the Navy Ball and couldn't find a damn thing."

"I didn't think you'd be so stressed over a dress," I replied with a smile. "So Bradley finally asked you then?"

"You knew?"

"C'mon, this is me you're talking about. I know everything," I laughed. "I need to find a dress too. Maybe we can make a drive up to LA this weekend."

"Wait," she said loudly. "You, Odette Kazansky, are going to the Navy Ball? With who?!"

I had never seen Natasha so excited about my plans and it brought a smile to my face. I subtly glanced at Jake as the room began to fill up and a squeal left her lips, which had left me shocked.

"You're going to the ball with Hangman?!"

"Yes," I whispered before hushing Natasha with a smile. "Now shut up."

"Hey, I'm just shocked that you're actually going, especially with him. I thought you couldn't stand the shithead."

"I can't," I laughed. "Or at least I couldn't before Friday."

"What happened Friday?" Natasha questioned, finally lowering her voice and acting what the rest of us considered to be normal for her.

"He took me to dinner, was a complete gentleman, and left me at home with a kiss. That's all."

I watched Natasha's eyes widen and laughed. Before she could reply, Maverick and Bradley came strolling in and Bradley sat behind us.

"Good morning," Mav said coolly as he leaned against the front desk. "Hopefully you all had a good weekend because we will be having some guests this week."

"Guests, Mav?" I questioned with a raised brow.

"Thunderbirds are headed in from Nellis for the air show," he replied. "And the Blue Angels left Pensacola about twenty minutes ago."

"I thought that wasn't until the twelfth," I chimed in.

"Earth to Odette. Tomorrow is the twelfth," Coyote muttered under his breath. "Maybe get it together."

"Coyote, the Snowbirds are on their way in and should be here anytime. Perhaps you can stay back and help them get everything taken care of on the ground," Mav muttered as he glanced at me with a hint of a smile. "Lieutenant Kazansky, maybe you and your team can go give the Red Arrows an escort in. I'm sure they're more than ready to be back on the ground after a long trip from Waddington."

"You've got it," I replied with a smile as I stood up and stretched. "C'mon, Bradley. Round up the team."

I watched as my wingmen, Brigham and Logan began to shift in their seats, just as Bradley, Nat, and Bob prepared to get up as well. The six of us always worked incredibly well together and despite the fact that Logan and I had a very brief fling in flight school that not even Bradley had known about, we all lucked out with our small group.

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