𝟎𝟓. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦

Start from the beginning

"Stay close to him, ok? I can't be his only friend, it's not healthy for him."

He stared at me, waiting for my answer, but I didn't quite know what to say so I just nodded.

He seemed relieved by that gesture and smiled at me.

"Sorry I have to go now, tomorrow I have the psychology test. Talk to you!"

He paid for the coffees and went out.


I hadn't found out much, Josh had stopped right in the middle of the sentence. But his last words still rang in my head. 'Stay close to him.'

Maybe he was right, I should have stayed close to him, not made him hate me more than he already did, because yes, I had had coffee with Josh to find out more about Louis, but I had done it above all to annoy him.

I was lost in thought so I was surprised when, upon entering my room, two hands grabbed my shirt and I found myself slammed against the wall with my feet off the ground.

Louis was looking at me with menacing eyes.

"Stay away from him! I've been waiting until now, hoping one of you won't show up for the appointment, but apparently you did have a lot of fun!"

He pressed me against the wall, his nose an inch from mine, his face screwed up in an expression of anger.

"Louis, can't you put me down so we can talk about it?" All I got was a harder push against the wall.

"No fuck! You have to stay away from him, do you understand?"

"You're right, sorry. I was just a little upset about what you said to me and I wanted to get revenge in some way, but it was a very very very stupid thing that won't happen again, I'm sorry!" I hated to appear weak, but those damn blue eyes so close to mine confused me and pushed me to confess the truth. Those same eyes that after my answer became a little sweeter. Now he was letting go of me and my feet hit the ground.

He went and sat on his bed. I watched him for some reaction, but he kept quiet. So I laid down on the bed and went on Twitter to make time pass. I was busy reading a few tweets when I heard "I went too far."

"What?" He wasn't looking at me, he was staring at the floor and if I hadn't heard his voice I would have sworn it wasn't him speaking.

"I said I exaggerated." I think it's the closest thing to an apology that I could expect from him, I was already about to smile when he added "But that doesn't change anything between us."


Louis hadn't spoken to me for two days. Nothing at all, zero.

"Hey Harry, I see you in thought." I turned around and saw Liam looking at me worried. I faked a smile to reassure him.

"Nah it's just that I'm a bit tired! I already can't stand the lessons anymore, I think I'll go straight to my room to sleep."

"But you haven't eaten! You can't skip dinner!" Niall looked horrified that someone might skip dinner, food was sacred to him.

Who knows what he would have thought of Louis who skipped dinner for two Sundays... NO! Why Louis again? Stop thinking about him, enough!

"Besides, today is the asshole's day," Zayn added quietly.

"Zayn...that's not nice to say!" Liam scolded him while I wasn't understanding a thing.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Today is the principal's birthday," Niall made my mind clear. "Every year after dinner he forces us to celebrate him outside. It's not so bad, there's a lot of food but the speech he makes is suicidal!"

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚 𝟐𝟓𝟖 [𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now