Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two

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"You did that?" I nodded, agreeing with my best friend when she asked me whether I did that. "Yeah, I did because I wanted them to hear my story, from my own words." Stella agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, that makes sense; and I definitely understand why you would do that." I sighed, and just thought about some of those times where I wrote to the boys. "And then the blog was definitely something I wanted to do. By the way, we still need to figure out how we want to advertise; because I definitely would like to do it on my blog too. I just don't know if you're okay with that." Stella seemed shocked when I said that. "Oh my god girl, are you kidding me? It's FREE advertising. Just wait until you see my business designs for moms." I was a bit shocked when I said that. "You're making designs for businesswomen?" Stella agreed with me. "More specifically, pregnant businesswomen and then moms. I just came up with the idea, so I made sure to put Heather in charge of making the Casey Uniforms; that way, I could concentrate on making these designs. Now, I know that you wanted to take the lead on the baby clothes but..." I then went to stop Stella from saying anything.

"Hey, don't even think about that Stella. You're going to help me on that, because you're going to be a mom; and I want you to actually do something. I'll concentrate on the boy clothes, you concentrate on the girl clothes since you're going to have girls." Stella agreed with me when I said that, glad that was the case. "Now, are we going to talk about the pregnant/new mom thing. What are your thoughts on that?" I laughed when Stella said that. "Honestly, I'm shocked that they don't have something like that already." That's when I heard one of my alarms. Pulling my phone away from my ear, I went to see what it was; that was when I saw that it was an alarm to show that I needed to pump, which is something that I no longer have to do. "Everything okay girl?" I smiled. "No, things are great. It's just an alarm that I need to shut off. I decided to stop breastfeeding recently." Stella was a bit taken aback when she heard that I stopped breastfeeding. "Really? You decided to stop breastfeeding." I agreed and took a breath. "Can you give me your honest reaction though? I did it so that I could just sleep more and try and really concentrate on the business. Is that wrong?"

Stella seemed shocked that I even thought that it was wrong, because she knows me too well. "Gabby, listen. I want you to listen to me okay?" I agreed with Stella when she said that, going ahead with listening to my best friend. "Gabby, I don't want you to feel guilty when it comes to whether you need to breastfeed or not. If you are too tired to breastfeed, then you should stop; and that's definitely something that I understand, because I see how tired you are. I see that you're always tired after work, and you need to do whatever you think is right. Girl, you need to do whatever you think is right; and I hope that you can definitely talk to Matt about that, have you?" I agreed with Stella when she said that, glad that was the case. "Thanks girl, I am so glad that I have somebody on my side when it comes to what I want to do; I mean, other than Matt. Matt understands, and he wants to do whatever he can to make me happy." Stella agreed with me when I said that. "Girl, that has always been the case; and we both know that." I laughed and agreed with her.

"Of course, I know that; because we both have the best husbands in the entire world." Stella agreed with me. "Girl, you should've seen what Kelly did for me last night. He drew me a bath." I smirked. "I know exactly what you mean. Girl, you should've seen the romance that Matt gave me last night. He had our yacht's chef make me the best meal, and then he had the maid draw me a nice bath; and it was just incredible, and I loved him for it." Stella laughed. "Let me guess, you showed him that?" I laughed when Stella said that, well aware of just what she was talking about. "Oh definitely, because we both know that's definitely something that I did." Stella laughed and was just so happy right now. "Well, I'm glad that's the case; because you guys need this romantic time with each other." I agreed with Stella when she said that, and just smiled due to the fact that I was happy about all of this. "Well, I am just happy right now. I am so glad that we're here right now. So, what are you and Kelly doing right now; other than work?" Stella laughed.

"We're still working on the nursery, and watching a lot of videos that are teaching us how to be parents; of course, some of which are just reminders of what you guys are doing with the boys." I agreed with Stella when she said that, smiling as I thought about Matteo and Noah. "Are you guys missing them right now?" I snickered. "Oh, I am definitely not missing them when I am having a bunch of fun with Matt. This time that we're having with each other is definitely well needed, and we need to just take it easy with each other; it's what we've needed for a while, and I am so glad that this is what we need to do for each other every once and a while." Stella agreed with me when I said that. "Just make sure that you tell your staff to clean up that yacht after you guys are done with it, because I am going to be asking Kelly to ask Matt if we can use it; I set up that romantic retreat for you, and I want to have one with Kelly on there." I agreed with Stella when she said that. "Oh god, you should've seen the meal we had last night. It was delicious pasta."

Stella agreed with me when I said that, clearly happy for me. "Well, I am so glad that you guys seem to be having fun with each other. Too bad you guys are being disturbed by work." I shook my head. "I know that this is what I need to expect sometimes." Stella agreed with me when I said that, well aware that was the case. "I just hate that you need to do it when you're being romantic with your husband, if that was what you were doing." I agreed with Stella. "Girl, I was braless and cuddling up to my shirtless husband in bed." Stella laughed when I said that. "Then you most certainly were being romantic, and quite intimate with each other." I agreed with Stella when she said that, glad that was the case. "When did you and Kelly last have a romantic night? Or did Kelly join you in the bath last night?" Stella sighed when I asked her that. "I thought he was going to, but he ended up using it so that he could work." I groaned when I heard Stella say that, before putting my phone on speaker; after which, I went to text Matt so he can talk to Kelly.

'Talk to Kelly about what a real husband should offer to do after he draws his wife a bath, he did that for Stella last night; then he went to work, when he should've been in the bath with her!'

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now