chapter 4

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   Next morning all are in training spot, nop instruct everyone what to do. Bcoz everyone here are well trained and head bodyguard. So he just give instructions. Vegas enter the training area he go to Porsche he train with him. After a long workout they go to swimming area to swim. After everyone get fresh up Vegas approach Porsche and invite him to bike ride. Earlier Porsche go with Vegas whenever he invite but he feels that Vegas feels for him first he hesitate but Vegas shows his new model bike. Porsche say ok to Vegas after dinner they for ride.

  On other side, Pete watch everything then he decided to talk to porsche later. Pete then go to macua room as he promised. Macua was setting video games he then ask Pete to play with him they both played for long time. Then Pete ask macua to sleep bcoz he is having school next morning. But macua blink at Pete he calls phi Pete will u pat by scalp till I get sleep? with question. Pete then smile at him and says I do. Macua then go and lay on bed Pete sit beside him he pat macua heat. Macua ask phi Pete why your loving this much?  Pete replies when I was 5 years old my little baby brother born I promised him I will protect him but he left me with his mom and his real hia. But I love him till whenever I see you I remember him. So I promise you today macua I will protect you you can say everything to me. Macua kiss Pete cheeks and says I am lucky to have you phi. After sometime macua go to sleep and Pete get out from his room. He walk to his room however his room is next to macua but it takes nearly 15 to 20 steps to reach but Pete feels like someone is following when he try turn around someone pin him on the wall the person was the guard of minor mansion who stare at him during lunch his name is Toh. He try to kiss Pete but Pete punch him hardly. Then the guard fight with Pete by saying I will have you today beauty. Pete get angry you bastard  he fight with him but the guard have some machine which give electric shock he used on Pete but someone punch the bodyguard Pete try to get up the person who helped Pete was Arm. How dare you?  to lay hand on us. The guard try to stand but arm punch him hardly if you again do something to Pete I will report you to Khun kinn and Khun Vegas. The guard run from their. Arm help Pete.

  Arm open the Pete room. Pete sit on the bed he says thanks to Arm. Then ask what r u doing here? I am bored Pete pol already get to his room for sleep Porsche went outside so only I come here to talk to you but thank God I come at the right time to save you. Pete didn't you spend time with macua. Yes Arm I did I was get attacked while returning room. Oh.. Pete you better stay with macua else you message me whenever your leaving his room. Pete rolls his eyes and says idiot Arm I am a head bodyguard I can protect myself but Arm interrupt and say I know Pete but here everyone were devil you see na the guard having that machine casually. Yeah, I agree. Arm left the room.

     When Vegas and Porsche were going to room they sees arm coming from Pete room. Porsche called him Arm turn to Porsche and greet Khun Vegas. Porsche what r u doing in Pete room? Arm hide the truth and says I am bored Porsche so I come to Pete for small chit chat. But now I am feeling sleepy so I am going. How about you Porsche? Porsche reply good then good night.

   Vegas also ask Porsche to go to his room. Vegas go to macua room to check bcoz macua always play video games till midnight so he always go there to check macua. When he open the room to be his surprised macua was sleeping. What happening here? He reached to macua bed he pat macua head and kiss his forehead but his shirts smells something like venilla perfume.

   Next morning, Pete went to Porsche room early before the training start. Porsche sit on the bed and ask what happen Pete? Then Pete reply that supposed to be my question Porsche. You know very well Khun Vegas feels for your right? Porsche say yes.

Pete: Then why are giving fake hope Porsche? You go with him yesterday for bike ride.

Porsche: Pete he offer me to ride my most favorite bike Pete how can I refuse that?

Pete: you idiot. Vegas know you like that bike that's why he brought the bike to you for ride so that you can't refuse his offer. He is trying his best to impress you.

Porsche: Pete don't say this to kinn. I will full stop this issue.

Pete: do the things quickly. Bcoz Vegas will hurt badly if he build up more feeling for you. Porsche nodded.

   They both go to training area. Kinn arrived to training area. Porsche get happy but he control himself. But kinn was angry towards Porsche. Bcoz he get to know that Porsche and Vegas were outside yesterday. Porsche notice the fire in kinn eyes. Pete also notice that then Pete go to Porsche and say your going to have punishment for your act from kinn. Porsche then get scared. After the training kinn ask Porsche to follow him. Kinn then ask Porsche to sit on the car. They both reach major mansion when both reached kinn room kinn pinned Porsche and ask why did you go with him yesterday. But Porsche quickly kissed kinn. Kinn melted in his kiss Porsche then say sorry to kinn. Kinn sees him little angry then Porsche say Vegas offer me my favourite bike for ride so only. Sorry it will never happen.  Kinn and Porsche were in love making. At night, kinn dropped Porsche at the minor mansion. Vegas watch these he get angry.

Vegas pov:

  Vegas try his best to get Porsche following these 1 week but no use. Finally Vegas get the guts to ask Porsche by proposing. So he arranged everything in the bar he ask all the bodyguard to attend the party. Vegas was so happy he go to mall for purchasing ring for Porsche. At party night, Vegas get a call from his friend he try to ignore it. But it rings continuously so he go out to take the call. When he return his heart shattered by the scenes . Kinn is kissing Porsche Infront of everyone kinn says I love you to Porsche . Porsche with shyily says I love you to kinn. I get out from the bar I started to cry in the dark alley I went back to party. I drink like there is no tomorrow. Everyone leave me alone. I feels very lonely. I can't even keep one step in the floor I was full vanished. Someone support me and make me sit on the car. He get me back to my room when he try to get out from my room I hug the person tightly started to cry. Why? Why? Everyone living me. First my mom, then pa changed complete devil towards me now Porsche leave me. I don't deserve any smells venilla fragrance from the person but the person lay Vegas on the bed and get out from his room by saying Vegas you deserve  true love bcoz your love is so pure. I hope you will feel better tomorrow.

  Pete enter his room. Yeah, Pete is the person who help Vegas. He sees him when kinn Porsche were kissing. While Vegas go out Pete follow him he sees Vegas crying then he follow Vegas back to the bar. He noticed Vegas is drinking non stop he don't even remember who is he now? So Pete help him to his room. But when Vegas cry by hugging him Pete heart hurts. Vegas say he don't deserve love then Pete lay him and says you deserve to received true love and left the room.
  Next morning Vegas get up with heavy head ache, he remembers everything he become sad then he remembers someone is helping him to reach the room. And also his conversation to the person last night. Vegas remember the person says you deserve to receive true bcoz my love is so pure. Vegas didn't remember that person faces he only know the person is using venilla fragrance. Whose the person?......

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