Chapter 13

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(Reya) *laying beside ninatie*

(Ninatie) sis ta

(Neteyam) that is your sister ninatie

(Ninatie) *holding reya's finger*

(Neteyam) she's only eleven months her words don't form really well but we are close to celebrating her first year of life

(Reya) she's cute

(Neteyam) this year has been filled with babies

(Aonung) what do you mean ma'teyam?

(Neteyam) lo'ak and tsireya just welcomed twins last week and then we brought in Loreya and Reya making us a family of seven

(Aonung) I know five kids is alot to take care of but it is the same amount of children your mother and father took care while you guys were growing up

(Neteyam) your right, I shouldn't be so nervous but we're only twenty eight

(Aonung) I know ma'teyam but it's apart of growing up, we were chosen mates at sixteen and waited till our twentyth birthday for my ceremony to become olo'eyktan chief of the Metkayina and for us to be husbands

(Neteyam) next thing we knew we welcomed in Ateyo a year later Ateyitan

(Aonung) before we knew it we became a family of five amazing strong children who will take after us

(Neteyam) *laying head on aonungs chest* I love this family with you

(Aonung) this is our home

(Ateyo) *running around with Ateyitan and Loreya* I'm gonna get you

(Ateyitan) you can't catch us

(Neytiri) our son is happy ma'jake

(Jake) he has a loving heart he wants what's best for those kids

(Lo'ak) dad we brought some visitors

(Taireya) *holding tiri and to'no* mo'ati and tsu'te are coming

(Aonung) Reya are you going to join your siblings?

(Reya) I want to stay with ninatie

(Kiri) she'll be a great big sister

(Neteyam) kiri rotxo

(Tuk) *sitting with neytiri*

(Spider) *standing behind kiri* family huddle

(Rotxo) we came to visit with the kids and offer any help with the two new kids

(Kiri) how is she taking things?

(Aonung) she hardly leaves the hut she's been attached to neteyam or with ora in here

(Kiri) Loreya seems to have accepted the new family that quickly just over the week

(Neytiri) everyone grieves differently my children, they may go numb, go for revenge or be attached so easy because it's their way of grieving

(Neteyam) but you lost so much in your life mom

(Lo'ak) things had always been hard on you even since we left home

(Neytiri) I know but it's apart of growing up you lose the things you hold so close to you, being in this new home I don't want to lose any of my children or grandchildren wherever we go this is our home

(Jake) your mothers right, we stand together as a family no matter what gets in our way, I lost my twin brother in the war of sky people, i lost my Omaticaya brother because of them, it's the reason I was so hard on you boys to stay by each others sides ever since you were teenagers I'm sorry for how hard I was on you boys

(Neteyam) it's ok dad we understand

(Lo'ak) we understand sir, you wanted to protect us even if I was cause of most of the trouble growing up, now we have seen why because we are the same ways on our kids ever since we almost lost neteyam I don't want to lose my brother or any of my children or family

(Jake) that's a thing about sullys we always stick together

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