Chapter 2:Mission impossible

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When  me and Bri was escorted back to our rooms I flapped myself back into bed sighing

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When  me and Bri was escorted back to our rooms I flapped myself back into bed sighing ..that forest was really gorgeous..imagine what it's like living in that ..but it also be terrifying with what lingers around I ended up dozing off to sleep .


When I woke up I realized I kinda slept to good when I seen the clock I was 30 minutes late I jumped out of bed stumbling over to get myself ready and quickly brush my teeth and ran out the door .once I arrived everyone looked at me lost ..then I seen colonel Michelle walk up to me with Briana by her side ..shit..

ColonelMichelle-Y/N ..follow me to my office please


When I followed her to her office my stomach was turning I tried to hold my fart in from being so nervous she had me and Briana sit in the chairs in front of her desk when she sat she looked between the both of us .

ColonelMichelle-So..I was told you guys were found wondering in the forest last night ..

Y/N-colonel look I'm sorry-

She stopped me raising her finger up making me pause

ColonelMichelle-Y/N I'm not upset about it ...I brought the both of you in here because you both seem to be very interested in wondering in the forest I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in doing a mission with us later on today in the forest


Briana-But wait .. what exactly are we going to be doing though ?

ColonelMichelle-the mission is for you and the RDA crew to collect samples from the forest we need for the lab

Y/N-That doesn't sound to bad ..

ColonelMichelle-You will be wearing a camo suit gear and a gun though just to be safe ..pandora may look nice but everything in that forest will want to eat you alive or kill you ..

Me and Briana gulped after she said that

She dismissed us and told us where to go we had to leave the lab and go down to a different area of the base where the RDA was we told them our names and they immediately took us to the dressing rooms where we had on to put on our suite and gear the shit was heavy it felt like I was carrying a weight on me .

"Let's move everybody!"
When we heard one of them command it's time for us all to get going we had to rush ..they took us in a helicopter I'm not gonna lie it was pretty cool being in one for the first time .Once we took off me and Briana was looking over the view below us we even saw groups of ikrans and other smaller flying creatures pass by ..this is the farthest we been out ..ever .

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