Some people sometimes foolish, knowing that the man is amorous, who is more diligent in changing girlfriends/boyfriends than changing his underwear, but he just feels that he can change him and become a different man in his life. In fact, there are no such cheap things! His mother had taught him all his life but failed to let him become a kind and harmless person. You just live in hope that you could change him in a day?

'Net is is me, Ping.' Ping skillfully dialed a series of numbers. Net's phone number is so easy to remember, a series of 8, a series of 9, a series of 0. He doubted that no other number will be easier to remember than this one, except for 13,800,138,000. 'How much did he spent to get this number?' Ping wondered.

'Ping, where did you go just now? I couldn't get through to your phone' Net's voice passed from the other end of the phone.

'I went to the library, the signal was not good there. What did you want to see me about?' Ping could feel that although Fourth was facing him with his back, his ears were actually listening to their conversation.

'can't find you if there's nothing important to talk about ? I miss you so much.'

'Don't be saucy with me. I will hung up if you don't say anything.' Gemini's sweet words would never take effects for him.

'Fine, fine, fine. I'll take my graduation picture on Friday. Come over then.'

'No.' Ping had never been to Gemini's school since years four of university, but he always ran to his school, which was the reason why James could met Net.

'Ping! Come on, I take graduation photos and you don't come. Wouldn't it be too much?' Net laments.

'What am I going to do when you take your graduation photograph?' Still, Ping did not let go.

'Many people will have friends from other schools to take pictures then. How poor I am,if you don't come.'

'Look for someone else.'

'You know that I don't have many friends.' His voice suddenly dropped.

This is a big truth. Few people can stand Net's temper. So in high school, except for his endless girlfriends, he had Ping as his only friend. But in fact, Ping didn't volunteer to be his friend either.

Ping did well in his study from childhood to college.

The reason for his good grades is either talent or hard work, but Ping was neither talented nor diligent. All his efforts were forced by the environment.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter which teacher was, as soon as he got the student list, he would say, 'Oh, there's a student with multiple surnames in our class. Which one is Ping? Stand up and let me see.' So he became the first person in the class to be known by his classmates. Then it would always turn into the situation that 'Ping, please solve this problem.' 'Ping, you answer this question.' 'Ping, your homework will be checked by random.' 'Ping, recite this passage for us.'


So he was forced to be a good student by his name. It has been a common feature that in primary and secondary schools, good students should be class representative. So Ping had been working as the monitor from small to large, which contributed to the fact that as long as he heard someone call for the monitor, he would can't help but reply. In a word, Ping, the monitor of the class at that time, was assigned by the teacher to teach Gemini, the cynic in the class, and then Ping became his so-called confidant. But he never knew that, in fact, Ping didn't want to be his confidant at all.

'Ping! Why don't you talk?' Net's voice interrupted his recollection.

'Well, I'll go.' Oh well, Ping'll go. Otherwise, he will be too poor without a friend. Ping has never heard of anyone taking graduation photographs alone.

'Really? I love you so much. I'll pick you up in the morning.' He didn't expect Ping will agree so quickly, and was somewhat flattered.

'No, I'll go myself.' This guy is crazy. Everyone takes the bus, and why should he pick me up?

'That's all right. I'll pick you up.'

'I said I'll go myself, don't nag me!'

'Fine, let me know when you get on the bus.'

'Well, is there anything else? I'll hang up if there's nothing else.'

'You are so merciless...' He said sadly.

'You just know that, bye.' Ping hung up and went to his place.

James seemed very busy, bowing his head in the drawer to do something.


Ping stopped and said, 'Hmm?'

'Uh... I just accidentally heard you talk about graduation photos...' James said hesitatingly.

He's really careless this time... Ping just said, 'Yes, Net will took graduation photographs on this Friday.'

'My friend is in that school as well. I was asked to take graduation photographs several days ago. Shall we go together?' James looked at him expectantly.

Ping nodded: 'Let's go together.'

What else can be done? Anyway, he had blocked him too many times before. But if a boy really wants to jump into the fire pit, it's really hard to stop him.


💬: Hello buddy Sky here, I just want to say if the second lead name suddenly become Gemini & Fourth please inform me.. tbh my second lead original to be em but since "Bed friend" is on going so i change the characters into Netjames to promote their series❤️. Hope everyone can understand it. Last but not least, don't forget to watch "Bed friend the series" on YouTube and IQIYI.😉

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