His eyes widened when he realized what he had asked and he couldn't help the blush that rose on his cheeks, "I-Sorry, my friend asked this one girl the same question and she didn't seem to think so."

Katherine brought up her hands to his cardboard mask, softly asking, "Can I?" She waited for him to nod before removing it from his head and with the intense stare she was giving him, he glanced down at the floor subconsciously. "Well, that girl was lying to you."

The guy looked awfully surprised at her comment, and it did make him let out a wide smile.

Katherine handed him back his mask. "What's your name?"

"Ethan." He told her. "What's yours?"


The brunette glanced over towards Amaya who was in her Luigi costume and the girl was motioning for her to come on up to the second floor. She had a worried expression on her face, so Katherine knew whatever it was had to be serious. Katherine sent Ethan a small smile, "It was nice meeting you, Ethan, but I've got to go."

Ethan hid away his disappointment and decided on a simple smile in return, "Likewise."

Katherine pushed her way towards the stairs and climbed around the people sitting on them for some apparent reason. Once she got to the top, Amaya reached up toward her top lip and pulled off the mustache before pushing a Jason mask into her hands. Katherine let out a small yell and brought up her fingers to rub her aching skin. "What is wrong with you!?"

"She's here."

Katherine stared at her with confusion and glanced around the room. "Who's here?"

Amaya pointed over at the kitchen table where a couple of people were grabbing drinks. "Tara."

The one reason Amaya was able to recognize the girl was because of the photo on top of Katherine's drawer. She had seen it on multiple occasions and the resemblance struck her almost immediately. Katherine squinted her eyes to try and get a good look on the girl, but since her back was turned the opposite direction, there wasn't much to see.

"You're probably overreacting." Katherine told her. "This city's too big for us to run into each other."

Amaya could tell she wasn't planning on putting the mask on, so she grabbed it out of her hands and stood on her tippy toes to put in on herself. "It's better to be safe." Amaya said softly, removing the red cap off of Katherine's head to get the mask to stay in place. After it was on her face, Katherine ducked down and sat on the stairs faster than Amaya had ever seen her move.


Amaya ducked down with her and sat down beside her. "Is it her?"

Katherine groaned into her hands, turning over to Amaya with a glare. "You see, this is exactly why I wanted to stay home."

Amaya placed a hand on her back comfortably, "We should probably get out of here."

"Geez, you really think so?" Katherine asked sarcastically as she stood up from the stairs but was quickly pulled back down by Amaya when she noticed the shorter girl was coming up the stairs. "Shit."

Katherine's jaw clenched when she realized just exactly what Tara was doing. She had a guy by her shoulder, and they were both stumbling along the stairs as they tried making their way to the bedroom. The distance between them and the loud music was too much for her to hear the argument down below with Chad and the guy, but it still worried her to pieces.

The guy grabbed onto Tara's shoulder roughly and tried dragging her up the stairs, and although it wasn't smart of Katherine to do so, her anger was never something she could keep in check when it came to someone hurting Tara.

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