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Being wrapped in the arms of someone close brings a sense of warmth to a person, it grounds them down on earth and makes them feel safe. After a long exhausting day, it helps decrease the anxiety and worry people carry within them, even if it only lasts for a few seconds, it's long enough to make anyone feel secure.

Katherine was starting to feel that effect in the arms of her childhood friend, Amber. From the second her friends arrived at the hospital room, it was like the sight of seeing Katherine and Tara hurt finally made them realize shit, this actually did happen. They've all heard the stories, and seen the movies of Ghostface, but none of them really believed it to be true when Katherine called them an hour ago.

Amber was the first to arrive at the hospital, confusion and worry both mixed in her features, but seeing her two friends eating pasta as they shared a laugh visually seemed to calm her down. She sat down by the empty hospital bed where Katherine sat comfortable with her legs crossed and wrapped an arm around her back.

The rest of her friends arrived moments afterwards and wouldn't stop sharing their thoughts on how fucked up the whole situation was, and how worried they all were when they first got the call.

An hour later, after the group of friends got comfortable in their seats and did their best in trying to reassure the girls they were going to be fine, the door to their room opened, and Tara's sister appeared on the other side.

She was hesitant to come in, only taking small steps as she looked around at the teens she used to take care of. Once her eyes locked with her sisters, the shyness went away and she crouched down beside her, softly setting her hand on Tara's shoulder and asking, "How are you feeling?"

If the sight of her pale sister who looked like she was in a state between life and death didn't hurt her enough, the words she threw at her were heart wrenching because of the doubtfulness in her voice, "You came."

Sam's escape from Woodsboro had lasted so long that it left her sister doubting she would even show up after she had been hurt, and the realization of that hurt Sam a lot because she never meant for the strand between her sister and herself to get to a point of no return.

"Of course I came." Sam spoke softly, trying to lessen any doubts Tara might be feeling of how much she loved her. "This is my boyfriend, Richie."

The man wasted no second in jumping into the conversation, "It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding."

Tara ran her eyes across the man she had no intention of ever meeting, but knowing he was supposedly Sam's boyfriend, she decided to give him a polite smile and said, "Nice to meet you, too."

Sam had met every single one of the teens in the room a long time ago when she needed a few extra bucks and decided to babysit a few of them, so she went around the room and gave them a hug as she greeted them. She stayed near Wes longer than the others, softly thanking him for calling her and telling her about Tara's condition.

Love Of Mine || Tara CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now