Chapter 1 - Reborn in the Past

Start from the beginning

Aziwa "What do we look like? A hospital? You should have gone somewhere else for help kid." He deactivates his quirk and hops down to get a look at me. "Well, you're defiantly not a hero. And not one of the students here either. So who are you?"

Y/N "Just an injured kid trying to get some help here." I hear him sigh before pulling out a phone to make a call. I can't hear his conversation, but he looks even more annoyed than before.  He hangs up and walks over to me.

Aziwa "Well it's your lucky day. The old lady is willing to take a look at you. Can you stand?" I attempt to get up but fall back down to my knees. He takes that as a sign to put my arm over his shoulder and we walk onto campus, the front gate opening in front of us. "So you mind telling me what you did to get into this? And don't lie to me, I can tell that you've been in a fight."

Y/N "Well, it's a long story but yeah, I got into a pretty big fight." He nods. "I'm not a vigilante if that's what you're thinking."

Aziwa "Well you're defiantly not a Pro Hero, and you be stupid to come here if you were a Villan. There are not many other options." I laugh a bit causing him to just look at me strangely.

Y/N "Yeah, can't really argue against that. Maybe I am here, but from where I'm from, I'm just a kid trying to survive." He didn't really question me any further as we made it to the Nurses Office.

Heading into the room we see an older short woman looking at a computer, not noticing us come in. Aziwa clears his throat getting her attention. She faces us and I see that it's Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl "Ah, come in, come in. Please Aziwa, set him on the bed here." She begins shuffling stuff around on her desk while Aziwa set me down on the bed. "So tell me what happened dearie."

Y/N "I got into a fight with some bad people. Got beaten up pretty bad, the lack of sleep doesn't really help either." Aziwa continues to watch me.

Recovery Girl "I'm guessing by your age, you shouldn't have been fighting huh?" She began to look me over lowering my hood to see my face.

Y/N "Well, I didn't really have a choice. Either I did or I would have died." I hear her say some things to herself quietly.

Recovery Girl "Well, judging by your injuries. It's a shock that you even made it to the school. Though some of these look a lot older than others. Is this the first time you received medical attention?"

Y/N "In a while yeah, never really had the chance before now to get it." She notes some things in her paperwork before setting it down on her desk. That was a lie, I just never got it cause I knew Eri could use her quirk for other people.

Recovery Girl "Alright, I'm going to use my quirk on you. You might pass out, so you may as well get comfy. Especially with how exhausted you look right now." Before I could respond, her lips extended off of her face, and kissed me on the forehead. I started feeling really tired but not hurting as bad.

Aziwa POV

The kid passes out after the old lady uses her quirk on him. She laughs a bit and turns towards me.

Recovery Girl "So, what's your plan with him? He's obviously done some vigilante work, so you gonna arrest him for illegal quirk usage?" I looked at the kid laying on the bed.

Aziwa "No, I don't think that's the way to go about this. Something feels off about him. We'll keep an eye on him for now, and see what Nezu wants to do with him." As I say this, the mouse himself walks into the infirmary.

Nezu "So, is this the one that tried to get in earlier?" He stood up on the desk and looked at the boy, his clothing ragged from what seemed to be a lot of fighting. I took him as a villain at first when he arrived.

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