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"my sons are probably out at a temple right now but let me take you to macau's room" kan said as he showed chay around

chay caught on to what he said then he stopped walking "hold on i thought I was going to stay in a guest room for now"

kan smirked "but you entered the manor making you officially macau's fiancé and what type of fiancé doesn't sleep together"

"uhh the type that still hasn't met yet" chay quipped

kan waved him off "that part doesn't matter, you'll be meeting later tonight"

"thats it straight forward, you're not gonna warn him first" Chay said in disbelief

"now why would I if you're already here"

chay groaned and then frowns "just take me to his room"

"glad we could come to an understanding, its right over here"
kan pointed to a Room

as he walked in chay was starstruck "wow he has a big room"

"only the best for the youngest, actually he had a smaller room until my first born demanded that my youngest is being treated right"

chay raised his eyebrows "what do you mean by treated right"

kan waved him off again "oh nothing dont worry about it"

"uh I should worry after all he's my fiancé"

"ah I see you're protective already brilliant now why don't you rest and come back down for dinner" kan said before leaving

chay looks at him suspiciously as kan walked off then he went to the bed and sat down

I hope I did the right thing, chay thought before taking a little nap

a little later chay was woken up when he heard loud noises

yawning, he sat up "what now"
then he looked at the time, almost time for dinner, this day was long chay thought

meanwhile downstairs the two brothers were called to the dining room

"pa we went to the temple like you ask, Is there a problem" Vegas said with arms infront of macau

kan shook his head "no problem, its just there is a situation right now"

"does macau need to be taken to a safe house"

kan shook his head "no, it's not dangerous but it is big"

then the trio heard footsteps and then saw chay enter the room

"ah awake so soon, dinner will be ready in a bit but for now let's talk" kan said

chay slowly went to sit at the table under the wary eyes of the brothers

"father whats going on who's this" Vegas questioned

"this is macau's fiancé-"
before he could finished Vegas and Macau stood up and exclaimed in shock

"how could you! I never knew you were the type of person to do something like this! I thought you were different, hia do something!"

Vegas pulled out his knife and pointed it at kan "explain old man"

"its not entirely his fault, I thought the same too but for my case its protection" chay spoke in a soft voice

"hey I know you I saw you around school sometimes" Macau said in realization

chay smiles and waved "look im scared about this arrangement as well but kan guaranteed my safety from the loan sharks"

then vegas slowly put down his knife as he became worried "loan sharks are after you, but why you are just a kid"

"they were after my uncle then hia but then they both disappeared, hia got a job at an island and uncle I don't know where so the loan sharks broke into my home earlier and targeted me this time" chay explained

after seeing Vegas looking like kan could be doing the right thing, macau still protested

"hia nooo, I wanna marry dr top, stop this" he said clinging onto vegas

Vegas rolled his eyes "first off dr top is too old for you, let tankhun have him"
macau gasped in betrayal

then vegas looks at chay "second, really you trust him" he said pointing to kan

"i thought about it for at least a few minutes no worries"

"but I wanna be with dr top" Macau complained

chay frowns "um who's dr top"

"the family's main doctor, macau and his cousin has been in a little composition for him" Vegas explained

chay nodded, could khun kan be right, im already jealous of a mere crush, he thought

"Macau enough, you are young for dr top, you are getting married to chay, and you both can chose when the wedding is" kan scolded

"i was actually thinking wait till we get into uni, maybe when we are second years at university" chay said

"i think that sounds reasonable" kan said

Vegas nodded "sorry nong but this is already happening" he said to macau

"and he's staying in your room" kan quickly said

"wait what!!?" Macau shouted

"you are a Rollercoaster you know that"  Chay said

macau glares

chay put up his hands "dont worry i came with a few conditions"

"what kind" Vegas asked

"i need a little time before you decide to sent a bodyguard after me, I can still do what I normally do, and no matter what happens im not choosing sides, the only side im on is macau's but thats it"
chay said seriously

the three nodded

"that is a deal" kan said

"and you sure i will be safe from the sharks"

"just one cry and I will torture them for you chay" Vegas said smirking

chay bows "thank you khun Vegas"

"just p'vegas thats fine"

"see I told you, your safety is guaranteed" kan said

chay looks at him suspiciously "I'll trust you but only this once"

"hello what about me" Macau piped up

"dr top means nothing to you now, you're mine and mine only, I wish that soon you will get over that crush of yours" chay said in a jealous tone but no one recognized that tone as jealous

but it was still a tone that managed to scare the head, heir, and youngest of the minor family

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