Chapter 1

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I was walking to a Halloween party with Tara, and some of her friends when a guy I didn't know called out Tara's name they had a mini conversation and we started walking again

I was sitting on the couch with Mindy and Anika and she started talking
"It doesn't bother you, being at a house party after you were almost brutally murdered at a house party"
She said "no I think of it like being struck like lightning, the odds of it happening twice to the same person are extremely low" Mindy responded back "guess I should stay close to you then" Anika said.

I didn't want to listen anymore and I saw tara so I stood up and walked to her. "Hey y/n" Tara said as we were walking to the kitchen to get beer but a random guys put a cup over the keg, tara then started having a conversation with the guy and he invited her upstairs so I walked away to see chad talking with Ethan "hey big guy you're needed" I said and I showed him the way to where the random guy was taking tara

"Hey partner, Tara's good down here" chad implied "sorry boy I didn't catch that" the random guys said "yeah you did". "no chad it's fine I want to" Tara explained "see chad" the random guy said butting in the conversation. He then grabbed Tara and she fell back. "HOW ABOUT YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER" chad said ready to fight the random guy.

They started pushing each other until sam came "HEY GUYS, sorry to interrupt but I'm going to taze you in balls real quick" she told the random guys and tazed him "don't ever lay hands on my sister" "FUCKING BITCH" the random guys screamed out in pain. "Sam are you fucking kidding me, you're stalking me now" Tara said and she walked out of the party.

I saw everyone leaving so I knew it was my cue to leave too. I was following them when tara started shouting at Sam "I CAN NOT BELIVE YOU DID THAT, YOU EMBARRASSED ME" she said "that guy was a dick he was going to take advantage of you" Sam responded. Tara started screaming at Sam even more but I wasn't paying

Some random chick screamed "HEY" and threw a cup of water at sam. "MURDER" the random girl yelled at her. Same pushed her and yelled out "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BITCH" they were recording her "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME". "You should stay away from her she knows what she did" the random bitch said. "I DIDNT FUCKING DO ANYTHING" sams said trying to get closer to the girls that were filming her

I stayed back with her and that's when Ethan came up to us " I-i have- i have some tissues if you want tissues" Ethan said pulling tissues out of his pocket "i have like three tissues". Sam grabbed them from him and I started walking with Ethan to Sams and Tara's apartment

Uh this is the first chapter. Idk if it's good or not but I hope it is also idk if I spelt tazed wrong so if I did it didn't could someone tell me so I could correct it😭
There's not much of Ethan in this book yet but in the next chapter there will be😁

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