37: Banana Press

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Minnie awakens slowly, finding that she's the one still in bed for the first time in her experience with Harry. Where did he go? And if he thought she didn't notice that he'd brought items and left them around her bathroom and closet, he is sadly mistaken. Blinking, she realizes that it's actually fine with her that he's moved some items in, and she wonders when that shifted. No one has lived with her since her early days as a publicist when she had a roommate to make ends meet. Her introverted demeanor had prompted her to get her own place as soon as she was able to make ends meet, and she'd yet to invite anyone to dwell in her solitude. But Harry?

She stares at the ceiling, thinking about the situation. Maybe Harry is exactly the right person to disrupt her private life. So far, he's been non-intrusive and even helpful at times. In fact, he seems to fit comfortably into her world.

Stretching, she decides to hunt him down. When she gets out of bed, she recalls that they have a tiny visitor so she throws on a robe. Leaving the bedroom, she follows the laughter to where Harry and Titus are playing with Daisy. Rubbing the dog's tummy, Titus giggles like crazy when Daisy sneezes every few rubs. She's got all three legs up in the air, and she licks at Titus' face, making him giggle. It's the funniest, sweetest thing in the world, and Minnie's heart is full when Harry joins in with the laughter, sitting on the floor in his jeans and one of her t-shirts.

Kids. They'd talked seriously about kids last night, and her womb aches now thinking about it. Truly she had given up on the idea years previously, not having found a man she wanted in her life enough to also want to bring children into the world. But Harry....he's different. Special. Maybe he is the person she wants to bear children with -- and raise them together.


Looking up, I spot her standing there, and my entire being stills. Fuck. She's so gorgeous in her robe with her bedhead. Especially since I know that all she's wearing underneath is a t-shirt and some panties. What I would give to be able to strip her bare and make love to her on the floor of this apartment right now.

Talking about children with her last night renewed my hope. Maybe she's exactly the mother my children need. And deserve. Her heart is so open and giving. But I fear that if she were to have children, her career might present different challenges. She gives so much of herself to her clients, how would she balance that with the life of a mom? Oh, I don't doubt she would make an amazing parent. My question is more about her clientele and how she would continue to meet their needs.

Smiling at her, I gesture at Titus and Daisy, "Just a little bonding time for these two. One of them woke up and had to go potty, and then the other had the same need." She grins back at me, and I gesture for her to join us.

Shaking her head, she states quite proudly, "I'm in the mood to make breakfast for my man and my guest," and this response makes my heart happier than it should, especially since she hasn't identified which is which. She saunters off to the kitchen, and I admit I enjoy watching her ass in that robe as she sashays across the floor.

"Hey, Titus! What do you say we get dressed so we're ready when your mum comes?" I ask, and the boy looks at me in surprise and sudden sadness, as though he hadn't realized how much he missed his mum until I mentioned her.

His eyes pool with tears, and he stands up immediately, "My mama coming?"

"Yep. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw her real soon," I tell the boy, although I have actually zero knowledge of when Meg will arrive. I do know that this child is as sweet as my nephew and my godsons all rolled into one. He's got the cutest smile, and he talks really fast sometimes so he's hard to understand. But when he slows down and articulates every word to get his meaning across, he's beyond adorable.

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