
the music is blaring bottles of beer,vodka,gin, mixer's everything are spread all around the room kat stas and y/n are running around dancing and singing sam and colby are stood around drinking beers whistling at the girls dancing.

the song hotel by Montell fish comes on and the girls get even more excited
"guys come dance with ussss" y/n yells
the boys laugh and shake there heads
the girls run over to them and pull them over
the music blares through the speakers everyone is dancing and laughing.
throughout the song colbys eyes are drawn to y/n and her body as it moves to the music not missing a single beat.
as the song starts to finish y/n slips out the back door while no one is looking.
the song slows down and transitions into starboy by the weekend.
as y/n is outside she strips of her clothes into her bikini she had on underneath and jumps into the pool and floats around on her back.
as she lays there in the pool staring up at the star covered sky colby walks out
"hey you good" he asks
"mhm yeah just peachy" y/n responds
y/n flips of her back and faces colby
"hey can you pass me that pot on the table" she says pointing over
"yeah" colby says grabbing the silver pot
he hands it to y/n and y/n opens it
to colbys surprise in the silver pot is actual pot and some papers. y/n begins to roll a joint and says
"you smoke?"
"nah no i don't" he says shaking his head
"you sure this is real good" she says lighting the joint
"i'm good thank you tho" colby says
y/n starts to smoke the joint and lays on her back again. for a minute there's silence. until y/n broke it.
"you know. i'm not even sad i'm mad. i gave him so many chances to be loyal to me and he never stayed loyal"
colby says nothing but nods
"i just want him to feel the way i felt you know?!" y/n says blowing out smoke
"yeah totally" he says moving closer to the pool
"i need to do something to make him totally jealous and mad you know!"
"yeah yeah like dating someone else" colby says crouching next to the pool
"yes! exactly. but i just need to find someone" y/n says flipping over to face colby. the stay in silence just staring at eachother
"oh my god." y/n says widening her eyes
"what" colby says laughing abit
"you! us! me!" she says taking a toke of her joint
"us make him jealous?" colby says
"yes. it would so work you're hot,jacked, and have a shit ton of tatoos that would totally make him jealous"
they stay in silence staring at eachother colby contemplating her offer until
"yeah fuck it okay" he says lifting up his arms
"amazing!" y/n says louder
they both laugh whilst holding eye contact
"you sure you don't want some before i finish it" y/n asks
"fine" colby says taking a toke on the joint
he lets out a cough as he inhales

time skip

it's the next morning cups are scattered around the house along with half eaten food and puke in the house plants.
we're now switching to y/n's pov :)

i wake up with a pounding in my head and a god awful after taste of vodka in my mouth i pick myself up off my bed

 i wake up with a pounding in my head and a god awful after taste of vodka in my mouth i pick myself up off my bed

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ur room

as i slump off my bed i walk over to my bathroom and look on the mirror
"jesus" i whisper to myself
my hair is everywhere my breath sticks of alcohol and there's glass bottles all over my bathroom sink, i grab my hairbrush off my shelf and quickly run it through my hair and brush my teeth
i head downstairs to find my house definitely less destroyed than i thought it would of been, i start picking up any trash i find and putting it in a bin when sam walks in
"morning" i say
he holds his head through his messed up hair on his neck a hickey is placed on the side
"looks like you had a good time last night" i say laughing
"huh" he says
i point to his neck and he immediately understands
"ohh" he says walking over to me
"haha it's fine you need some aspirin you look like shit" i say
"please" he adds
i put the trash in the bin and open the cabinet and take out the aspirin
while sam takes the medication everyone else comes into the kitchen all looking equally as hungover as eachother
while everyone is sitting drinking there coffee i remember about the fair today
"ok so how bad is everyone feeling on a scale of one to ten? because there's this massive fun fair on in town today and it's the biggest one of the year"

after much convincing

"yay thank you guys!" i say jumping up
i run out of the kitchen to my bedroom to pick out an outfit.

what you pick

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what you pick

once i had finished getting ready everyone else was just about ready to go aswell we all got the car and headed to the fair me and colby sat next to eachother with stas next to us and kat and sam in the front
colby taps my thigh slightly
"hey uh do you remember our conversation last night?"
"no" i say blunty
he looks at me blankly
"i'm joking stupid yeah and i'm still down if you are?" i say smiling
"yeah that why i asked" he says
"good i'm sure we can do something at the fair"
"yeah" he says smiling
"i've got an idea here" i say taking his hand and holding it
i take out my phone and get a quick picture of our hands and add text that just simply just had heart "❤️" and posted it on my instagram story
"there" i say looking at him and smiling
i see his cheeks blush slightly and he shows a grin i look over to see stas staring at us she slightly raises her brows and smirks. i roll my eyes and smile.
for the rest of the way me and colby are holding hands, since we only met eachother yesterday it should of felt awkward but it didn't it felt more natural than anything.

at the fair

me and everyone else have been going round on rides for a while now but now me and colby go off alone we walk round for a little before getting some candy floss and sitting on a bench
"so tell me something about you, something no one knows" i say to break the ice
he stops and thinks for a second
"i hate peanut butter" he says taking a bite of his candy floss
"what how can you hate peanut butter?!" i say
" it's disgusting the texture the smell it's all awful!!" he says laughing
"disgraceful colby brock absolutely disgraceful" i say shaking my head
he laughs even more. jesus he's so beautiful i think to myself
"okay well tell me something about you then you're deepest darkest secret" he says poking my arm
i stop for a second and think. what is my deepest darkest secret?
"when i was 14 i think i threw a massive party in my childhood home and the police got called so when my parents asked why i did it i told them it was my friend who threw the party and so then she was sent to a boarding school for 5 months"
his eyes widen and mouth hangs low
"omg that's terrible" he laughs
"yeah" i say laughing

me and colby carry on talking and getting to know eachother until we meet up with the others.
"wait guys before we leave we should get a photo" sam suggested
"yeah we should" i say
i run up to a stranger and ask them to take a photo of us. we all stand next to eachother
me stas kat sam colby (in that order)
the man who's taking our picture bends down to put his drink on the floor for a second while he does that colby walks over to me and stands behind me and wraps his hands round my waist
"what are you doing" i whisper slightly
"well you wanna make him jealous right?" he says smirking
i smile and nodd and put my hands over his holding his arms in place and leaning my head back to his chest.

and that's where this chapter ends.
so this definitely has come out later than i wanted it to very sorry about that i had loads of school work but i know exactly how i want this story to go so i will be starting the next part today.

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