Chapter Eighteen

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I rolled on my bed after recalling every 'moments' Zuo Hang and I had. After admitting my feelings, I thought everything's gonna be way easier to get through. Turns out, I just got crazy.

I never imagined myself being in this position. Stuffs like 'crush' is never even in my vocabulary. What kind of potion did he just make me drink? I would die to find the antidote.

It's Monday tomorrow, and instead of being annoyed just like I did before, this time I feel excited. I wonder what kind of conversation are we going to have? Am I going to reply to his morning greetings this time?


The day has come, and I'm going to see him once again. I guess this was actually the only time where books are not the only one stuck in my mind. We are currently free from homeworks and performance activities since we are weighed with tons of them last week. I wonder if Zuo Hang has already passed his activities?

I entered the room but I was greeted by Harvey's little smile instead. Zuo Hang is still not around. I sat beside Harvey and instead of greeting him 'Good morning,' I said "Hi."

"Hello," he greeted back. Harvey showed me some of the papers putted on his table. "These are my test results," he pointed out and a big smile formed on my face. Estimating by percentage, he improved by 40% in our test subjects compared from before.

I patted his back. I felt happy for him. At least it only means that my hardworks are not left of naught.  "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks," he slightly nodded, still smiling. I can't believe I saw him as a bully for the first time. His face looks so angelic, his personality so humble that I couldn't even imagine seeing him as a bad person. Maybe it was simply because of peer influence that he got himself into such kind of thing.

Harvey lowered his head. "Sloane, uhm.."


"Can I ask you for a date?"

I was taken aback. "H-huh?"

"Uhm.. it's a friendly date. A way of thanking you for helping me in my studies ever since." His cheek flushed and I couldn't help but smile. He looks cute when he's shy. But of course, Zuo Hang is still cuter.

"Good morning,"

I was taken aback when Harvey invited me for a date. But hell, that simple 'good morning' took better toll on me. Two words and I stood like stone.

"G-good.. Good morning," I wanted to pinch myself for stuttering. Can't you be anything more unnatural, Sloane?

"What were you guys talking about?" Zuo Hang took off his bag and placed it on his chair. He fixed his jacket and I am now questioning myself why I found his small actions attractive.

"I invited Sloane to a date," Harvey informed and my eyes went round.

Zuo Hang remained casual. "Oh, date?"

"Its—its just a friendly date," I defended even though there's literally no reason to clarify things. Like who is he anyways? What are we? We are not even together in the first place.

He didn't reply. Instead, he looked like he doesn't care. I stared at him and he was already pulling out some papers from his bag. Damn, did he even hear what I said?

I watched him browse on his papers, and they were all the activities our class had last week when he's not around. However fresh his face looks like, I noticed that he's stressed. I admit that I kind of had higher expectations of him, thinking that he already finished all those missed activities in one night. Ofcourse, Sloane. Do you think he's a superhuman? How could a person finish a dozen of activities in one night?

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